UTET Syllabus 2024: Uttrakhand Board of Secondary Education (UBSE) conducts the UTET Exam for the recruitment of eligible candidates for teacher posts in Primary and Middle-Level Government-aided schools in Uttrakhand. The candidates who are looking forward to teaching as their career must start their preparation for UTET Paper-1 or UTET Paper-2 or both. The eligibility test will be conducted for Primary Level school teachers (Classes I-V) and elementary-level school teachers (Classes VI to VIII) for schools in the state itself. 

UTET Syllabus 2024

Uttarakhand Teacher Eligibility (UTET) is an entrance examination that is conducted by UBSE for the assessment of the eligibility of the candidates for teaching posts in various government and private schools across the state. UTET 2024 Paper-1 will be conducted for applicants eligible to teach Classes 1 to 5 and UTET Paper-2 for Classes 6 to 8. Buckle up and begin your preparation with a detailed UTET Syllabus & Exam Pattern which has been discussed below. 

Uttarakhand TET Syllabus 2024

Have a look at the exam summary for the UTET 2024 Exam from the below table, we have discussed every little information that a candidate should know during their preparations. 

ParticularsUTET Paper 1 UTET Paper 2 
Exam modeOfflineOffline
Sections5 (Five)4 (Four)

Child Development and Pedagogy

Language-I (Hindi/English)



Environmental Studies

Child Development and Pedagogy

Language-I (Hindi/English)


Mathematics and Science or Social Science

LanguageEnglish & HindiEnglish & Hindi
Type of QuestionsMCQsMCQs
Duration 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes)2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes)
Total Questions150150
Total Marks150150
Marking scheme

+1 for the correct answer

0 for incorrect answer

+1 for the correct answer

0 for incorrect answer

Negative markingNoNo
Certification Validity 7 years7 years

UTET 2024 Exam Pattern 

The candidates must know the updated and detailed exam pattern to plan a strategy for the upcoming UTET 2024 Exam. Below we have discussed Uttarakhand TET Exam Pattern 2024 for both Paper-1 and Paper-2 separately. 

Important points to remember

  1. There is no negative marking for Paper-1 & Paper-2
  2. The time duration for each paper is 2 hours 30 minutes.
  3. A candidate can appear in both papers.
  4. Once the language is selected, you can't make any changes to it.
  5. Paper-1 comprises of 5 subjects whereas in Paper-2 there are only 4 subjects.
UTET Paper 1 Exam Pattern 2024
TopicsNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Environmental Studies30 30 

2 hours 30 minutes

(150 minutes)

Language I (Hindi/ English)3030 
Mathematics 30 30 
Language II (Hindi/ Sanskrit/ English/ Urdu)30 30 
Child Development and Education3030 
UTET Paper 2 Exam Pattern 2024
Language I (Hindi/ English)30 30

2 hours 30 minutes

(150 minutes)

Child Development and Education30 30 
Language II (Hindi/ Sanskrit/ English/ Urdu)30 30
Mathematics and science or Sociology6060 
Total150 150

UTET Syllabus 2024 for Paper-1 & 2

The detailed UTET Syllabus 2024 is very important for the candidate to plan their strategy and begin with their preparation. The subjects for both Paper-1 & Paper-2 are common except Environmental Science, else the syllabus for each subject is the same in both papers. In the below section, UTET Syllabus for Paper-1 and UTET Syllabus for Paper-2 has been discussed in detail. 

Child Development and Pedagogy

Check the topics covered under Child Development and Pedagogy subject to begin with your preparation for UTET 2024 Exam. 

  1. The Concept Of Development And Its Relationship With Learning
  2. Principles Of The Development Of Children.
  3. Influence Of Heredity & Environment
  4. Socialization Processes: Social World & Children (Teacher, Parents, Peers)
  5. Multi-Dimensional Intelligence
  6. Piaget, Kohlberg, And Vygotsky: Constructs And Critical Perspectives
  7. Individual Differences Among Learners, Understanding Differences Based On The Diversity Of Language, Caste, Gender, Community, Religion, Etc.
  8. Concepts Of Child-Centered And Progressive Education, Construct Of Intelligence
  9. How Children Think And Learn; How And Why Children ‘Fail’ To Achieve Success In School Performance
  10. Understanding Of Teaching And Learning, Cognition And Emotions, Factors Imperative For Learning


The candidate has to choose Language I and Language II when submitting their application form. 


  1. Passage
  2. Fill in the blanks
  3. Sentence correction
  4. Synonyms and Antonyms
  5. One words substitutions
  6. Spelling error
  7. Common error
  8. Sounds and their Phonetic Transcription
  9. Modal Auxiliaries
  10. Idioms & Phrasal Verbs
  11. Literary Terms
  12. Pedagogy of English language which includes topics as follows:
    the concepts of Framing Questions Including Wh-questions, Comprehensive & Continuous Evaluation, Teaching Learning Materials, Principles of Teaching English and Development of Language Skills, Teaching Learning Materials


  1. पर्यायवाची शब्द
  2. विलोम शब्द
  3. शब्द भेद
  4. कारक
  5. संधि
  6. समास
  7. उपसर्ग /प्रत्यय
  8. गद्यांश
  9. मुहावरे /लोकोक्तियाँ
  10. वाक्य शुद्धि
  11. तत्सम /तद्भव
  12. शब्द अर्थ
  13. अनेक शब्द के एक शब्द
  14. वचन
  15. रस /छंद /अलंकार
  16. चिन्ह
  17. वर्णनी त्रुटी
  18. रचना एवं कृतियाँ
  19. भाषा शिक्षणशास्त्र: भाषा शिक्षण विधि, भाषा शिक्षण के उपागम, भाषायी दक्षता का विकास, भाषायी कौशलों का विकास (सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना, लिखना) शिक्षण अधिगम सामग्री-पाठ्य पुस्तक, बहु-माध्यम एवं शिक्षण के अन्य संसाधन, भाषायी कौशलों का विकास (सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना, लिखना) शिक्षण अधिगम सामग्री-पाठ्य पुस्तक, बहु-माध्यम एवं शिक्षण के अन्य संसाधन, भाषा शिक्षण में मूल्यांकन, (सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना, लिखना) उपलब्धि परीक्षण का निर्माण समग्र और सतत मूल्यांकन। उपचारात्मक शिक्षण


The mathematical section requires proper conceptual knowledge and sufficient practicing to score good marks in the UTET exam.  

  1. Number System, BODMAS, Simplification
  2. Shapes & Spatial Understanding
  3. Measurement And Weight
  4. LCM &HCF
  5. Decimal And Fraction
  6. Time And Distance
  7. Geometry
  8. Mensuration
  9. Trigonometry

Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies is to be covered only if you are preparing for Paper-1 and the topics included in this subject are as follows:

  1. Our Surroundings
  2. Parts Of Body (Internal & External)
  3. Natural Resources, Solar System, Food, Resources
  4. Water, Air and Land
  5. Habitats and Its Types
  6. Health, Good Habits & Personal Hygiene
  7. Looking After Living and Nonliving Beings
  8. Parts Of Plants
  9. Geographical Features and Changes
  10. Disposal Of Solid Waste, Waste Management
  11. Local Bodies (Rural & Urban)
  12. Transportation, Communication and Its Development.
  13. Pollution
  14. Weather and Climate
  15. Community and Diseases
  16. First Aid
  17. Disaster Management


Prepare with the following topics of Science subject to excel in this section of the UTET 2024 Exam.

  1. Life Science
  2. Chemistry
  3. Nature and Structure of Sciences
  4. Human Body and Health
  5. Methods of Science Teaching
  6. Physical Science

Social Studies

The sub-topics covered under Social Studies section are as follows:

  1. Geography (Up to 10th class): Components of the Earth, Geography, and Resources of India,
  2. History (Up to10th class): Indian Civilisation, Culture and Society, History and Culture of India, Mauryan & Gupta Empires and Post-Gupta Period, the Medieval and Modern Period
  3. Civics (Up to 10th class): Government: Composite and Functions, Resources and Development, Indian Constitution and Democracy
  4. Static Gk (Uttrakhand Based)
  5. Knowledge related to Uttrakhand: Geography and Resources of Uttarakhand,
  6. Pedagogy of social science: Concept & Nature of Social Studies, Class Room Processes, activities, and discourse, Problems of teaching Social Studies, Developing critical thinking, Teaching Learning Material, and Teaching Aids, Projects Work, and Evaluation
Related Links
CTET Syllabus 2024UPTET Syllabus 2024
UTET Syllabus 2024WB TET Syllabus 2024
HTET Syllabus 2024CG TET Syllabus 2024
AP TET Syllabus 2024 


UTET Syllabus 2024: FAQs

Ans. No, there is no negative marking for UTET 2024 Exam.

Ans. UTET Syllabus 2024 has been discussed in the article.

Ans. No, the syllabus for common subjects in both papers is similar.

Important Links