Resignation Letter: A resignation Letter is a letter announcing the decision to resign from your current job. Practicing resignation through a letter is an old method of communicating one’s messages. Increasing modernization has increased the sources through which messages can be communicated such as through email, telegrams, text messages, etc. But still, everyone has to send a letter in writing at some point in their lives. So here, we will discuss how to write a resignation letter.

Resignation Letter

A resignation letter is a formal letter that is written by an employee to the employer announcing the decision to resign from his current job or designation. A person may quit his job for several reasons, for instance, moving to a new town, focusing on family time, getting a new job, etc. Whatever may be the reason, the ideal course of action is to resign in person and then follow up with a resignation letter.  

Resignation Letter Format

The format of the resignation letter should include your contact information, official notice that you’re resigning, and when your final day of work will be. If you’d like to include more details you can, but they are not required. Here’s how to write a resignation letter-

  1. Contact Information (Written Letter): A written letter should include your and the employer's contact information (name, title, company name, address, phone number, email), followed by the date.
  2. Contact Information (Email): In an email resignation letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature. You don’t need to include the company’s contact information.
  3. Greeting: Address the resignation letter to your manager, using their formal title ("Dear Mr./Ms./Dr.").
  4. Paragraph 1: Note that you are resigning from your job and state the date on which your resignation will be effective. This will give the employer official notice for your personnel file.
  5. Paragraph 2: (Optional) You can mention the reason you're leaving, but this is not required. If you choose to give a reason, be sure it’s a positive one, such as starting a new job, leaving the workplace, or going back to school.
  6. Paragraph 3: (Optional) If you’re able to help with the transition, mention your availability in your letter.
  7. Paragraph 4: (Optional) Mention your appreciation for the opportunity you had to work for the company. If there was something that was especially rewarding, share the details.
  8. Closing: Use a formal sign-off, such as "Sincerely" or "Yours sincerely."
  9. Signature (Written Letter): End with your handwritten signature followed by your typed name.
  10. Signature (Email): Include your typed name followed by your contact information.

Tips For Writing Resignation Letter

A resignation Letter is an important means of communication of intent of resigning. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind while writing a resignation letter-

  • To Give appropriate notice-It is best if you are resigning, to write the letter at least two weeks before resigning from your job. The most important information which should be included in a resignation letter is to write the date you plan to leave the company. This makes it easy for the employer as well as for you.
  • Thank you should be mentioned- You should also let the employer know that you cherished your time with the company. If you were not particularly happy at the company or if your relationship with your supervisor or colleagues was disputable, you can mention this expression of thanks in a  brief. It would be enough to simply say that I have enjoyed my time at XYZ company or My two years at XYZ company have been wonderful.
  • Offer to help-Employers can be given assistance as they are looking for a replacement. This help could be in the form of recruitment or training of a new employee. Sharing your personal documents or email could be a good idea if the employer wants to communicate after you leave the company. It is upon you how generous you want to be.
  • No need to complain- A resignation letter is not the time to share your frustrations with co-workers, managers, or the company.  So it is essential to portray yourself to be polite.  
  • Letters need to be short and brief-A resignation letter should be easy, brief, focused, and to the point. No need to elaborate too much, it should be professional rather than personal.
  • Read it properly and double-check it- You should also thoroughly read the letter before sending it. And also humbly ask for a recommendation from your employer.

Resignation Letter Examples

Here are some examples that would give you a better understanding of a resignation letter.

Topic- Resignation from the position of General manager

From – George Anthony

1150, PG Sector

Los Angeles, California,90001

Date -16 August 2022

Dear Mr. Francis (Employer Name)

XYZ Company,

Los Angeles, California,90003

Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position as General Manager ( Your Designation should be mentioned) from XYZ Company (Company name should be mentioned). I will quit my job on 30 August 2022(  The day is usually two weeks before you give notice).

I would also like to thank you so much for the opportunity you gave me for the work in this position in the past (the amount of time you’ve been in the role). I’ve greatly cherished and admired the opportunities I’ve had (a few of your favorite job responsibilities), and I’ve learned (a few specific things you’ve learned on the job), all of which I will take along with me throughout my career.

During my last two weeks, I would do everything possible to wrap up my duties and train other team members. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do to aid you during the transition. Also, I would be happy to help you with the hiring and training of my replacement over the next two weeks if you think it would be beneficial.

I wish the company success and prosperity, and I hope to stay in touch in the future.

Yours sincerely,

George Anthony

Topic- Resignation from the post of marketing manager

Natalia jovial

123 moon view street  

Charleston, SC, 12345

Date- 13 August 2022,

Mr.Charles William

ABC Company

Manila, Philippines

I am writing to inform you of my intention of quitting my job as marketing manager at ABC Company with effect two weeks from today 28th August 2022.

My career goals have changed since I started working here, and I feel the time has come when I should pursue my opportunity which is to be more aligned with my aspirations.

I appreciate the opportunity that I have been given during my career as a Marketing manager. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do for you during the transition.  

Thank you

Natalia Jovial


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Resignation Letter- FAQs

Ans. Avoid writing your frustration or criticism on co-workers, employers, managers, etc. This does not give a good expression. As you are leaving the company, you must be remembered as a humble and polite person.

Ans. The benefits of a resignation letter are- Provides information, Function as a Record, Maintain positive relationships

Ans. Essential resignation letters are- Company Name & Address, Name of the Employer, A declaration, The title of your designation, Mention the date, Reasons for leaving the company, Appreciate the company, Personal information.

Ans. A resignation letter is submitted to whom the company directs to submit.

Ans. Typically, No. As mentioned above there is a need for a prior two-week notice to be served before the employer.

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