Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) is responsible for conducting the NVS PGT examination to recruit candidates for Post Graduate Teacher Vacancies. The candidates who are preparing for the NVS PGT Teacher Exam must be aware of the NVS PGT Syllabus & Exam Pattern for proper exam strategy. Candidates must read the complete article till the end to understand the complete syllabus and exam pattern to begin their preparation for the exam. 

NVS PGT Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025

Going through the NVS PGT Exam syllabus is the first step towards preparation that makes a candidate familiar with the number of sections, important topics, section-wise distribution of questions, marking scheme and etc. Here we have shared the NVS PGT Syllabus 2025 and Exam Pattern for the ease of candidates. 

NVS PGT Syllabus 2025- Overview
BoardNavodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS)
Exam NameNVS PGT 2025
Mode of ExamOnline
Exam Duration3 Hours
NVS PGT Exam DateTo be notified
Marking Scheme1 Mark
Negative Marking¼ marks
Selection ProcessWritten Test- Interview

NVS PGT Exam Pattern 2025

1. NVS PGT Exam consists of 6 parts- Reasoning Ability, General Awareness, Knowledge of ICT, Teaching Aptitude, Domain Subject Knowledge, and Language Competency Test. 

2. Each question carries 1 mark for the correct answer. 

3. There will be a negative marking of ¼th mark for each incorrect answer. 

4. The NVS PGT Exam will be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for the language test. 

The revised NVS PGT Exam Pattern 2025 has been tabulated below. 

NVS PGT Exam Pattern 2025
PapersSectionsNumber of DurationTotal MarksDuration
Part-IReasoning Ability20203 hours
Part-IIGeneral Awareness1010
Part-IIIKnowledge of ICT1010
Part-IVTeaching Aptitude1010
Part-VDomain Subject Knowledge (difficulty level Graduation)8080
Part-VILanguage Competency Test (General English and General Hindi-15 marks each subject)2020

NVS PGT Previous Year Question Paper- Download PDF

NVS PGT Syllabus

The NVS Syllabus for Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) teacher posts comprises topics from general awareness, reasoning, general English, and general Hindi. exam will be held for a total of 150 marks. Check the detailed exam topics from here. 

NVS PGT Syllabus for General Awareness

  1. Important Days & Dates
  2. Indian History
  3. Books and Authors
  4. Indian National Movement
  5. Awards and Honors
  6. Budget and Five Year Plans
  7. General Polity
  8. Current Affairs – National & International
  9. Indian Economy
  10. States & Capitals of India
  11. International & National Organizations
  12. Science – Inventions & Discoveries
  13. Science & Technology
  14. Sports
  15. Abbreviations
  16. Countries & Capitals

NVS PGT Syllabus for Reasoning 

  1. Arithmetic Number Series/Letter and Symbol Series
  2. Spatial Orientation
  3. Observation
  4. Figures/Verbal Classification
  5. Relationship concepts
  6. Arithmetical Reasoning
  7. Non-verbal series
  8. Analogies
  9. Discrimination
  10. Visual Memory
  11. Similarities and Differences
  12. Spatial Visualization
  13. Coding and Decoding
  14. Statement and Conclusion
  15. Logical Deduction
  16. Statement and Argument
  17. Cause and Effect
  18. Making Judgments

NVS PGT Syllabus for General English 

  1. Verb
  2. Comprehension
  3. Unseen Passages
  4. Tenses
  5. Fill in the Blanks
  6. Vocabulary
  7. Voice
  8. Adverb
  9. Antonyms/Synonyms
  10. Subject-Verb Agreement
  11. Error Correction
  12. English Grammar
  13. Articles
  14. Sentence Rearrangement
  15. Idioms & Phrases

NVS PGT Syllabus for General Hindi

  1. Vocabulary.
  2. Grammar.
  3. Synonyms.
  4. Translation of Sentences.
  5. Fill in the Blanks.
  6. Error Detection.
  7. Comprehension.
  8. Phrases/Muhavare.
  9. Plural Forms etc.

NVS PGT Syllabus PDF for Domain Subjects- Click to Download

NVS TGT Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025- Click to Check

NVS PGT Syllabus 2025: FAQs

Ans. The NVS PGT Exam Pattern 2025 has been discussed in the article in detail.

Ans. For each correct answer, 1 mark is awarded and for each incorrect answer- 1/4th (0.25) mark will be deduction.

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