The Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) has released the ECGC PO syllabus along with its notification pdf. Candidates' selection for Probationary Officers will be based on an online exam (objective and descriptive test) followed by an interview round. As the ECGC PO online examination is going to be conducted on 16th November 2024, so all candidates need to check the syllabus topics to crack the exam. In this article, we are discussing the ECGC PO syllabus, exam pattern and selection process.

ECGC PO Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024

ECGC PO will be conducted in two phases that candidates need to clear to become a Probationary officer in ECGC. Given below is the complete overview of the ECGC PO Syllabus to help you understand the marking scheme, negative marking, mode of exam, and other details before beginning with the preparation for the upcoming ECGC PO Exam.

ECGC PO Syllabus 2024
Exam Conducting BodyExport Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC)
Exam NameECGC PO 2024
PostsProbationary Officer
Exam Date16th November 2024
Mode of ExamOnline
Marking Scheme1 mark
Negative Marking⅓rd marks for each wrong answer.
Selection Process
  1. Written Exam
  2. Interview
Official website

ECGC PO Admit Card 2024 Out- Click to Download

ECGC PO Exam Pattern 2024

ECGC PO's first stage for Probationary Officer is the Written examination and the second stage of the Interview. The first stage of the Written examination consists of two sections namely Objective and Descriptive. The objective test will include 5 sections namely: Reasoning Ability, English Language, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude for a total of 200 Marks and 2 hours 20 Minutes (140 Minutes). The descriptive paper will include Essay Writing and Precis Writing for a total of 40 Marks and 40 Minutes.

ECGC PO Exam Pattern 2024
Name of the TestNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Reasoning Ability505040 minutes
English Language404030 minutes
Computer Knowledge202010 minutes
General Awareness404020 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505040 minutes
Total200200140 minutes

ECGC PO Descriptive Exam Pattern

The candidates have to appear in a descriptive test of 40 marks with a duration of 40 minutes. 

SectionNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Essay WritingOne out of two given options2040 minutes for both questions together
Precise WritingOne out of two given options20

ECGC PO Syllabus 2024

The topics included in the ECGC PO syllabus for Reasoning Ability, English, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude are discussed below. Candidates preparing for the ECGC PO Online exam must learn the topics and prepare accordingly. 

ECGC PO Syllabus for English Language

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Para Jumbles
  3. Cloze Test
  4. Sentence Improvement
  5. Spotting Errors
  6. Double Fillers
  7. Sentence Connector
  8. Sentence Formation
  9. Match The Column
  10. Phrase Replacement

ECGC PO Syllabus for Reasoning Ability

  1. Seating Arrangement
  2. Logical Reasoning
  3. Syllogism
  4. Data Sufficiency
  5. Input-output
  6. Coding-Decoding
  7. Inequality
  8. Puzzle
  9. Miscellaneous

ECGC PO Syllabus for Computer

  1. History of Computers
  2. Computer Fundamentals
  3. Windows
  4. MS Excel
  5. MS Office
  6. MS PowerPoint
  7. Computer Software & Hardware
  8. Introduction to Computer Science
  9. Database Management System
  10. PC Software and Office Automation
  11. Workplace Productivity Tools
  12. Computer Networks
  13. Networking & Internet
  14. Emerging Technology and Web Publishing
  15. Boolean Algebra
  16. Data Structures
  17. Computer Viruses
  18. File Extensions
  19. Important Abbreviations

ECGC PO Admit Card 2024 Link- Click to Download

ECGC PO Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude

  1. Arithmetic Topics
  2. Quadratic Equations
  3. Simple &Compound Interest
  4. Number Series
  5. Comparison Between Quantities
  6. Data Interpretation
  7. Simplification/Approximation

ECGC PO Syllabus for General Awareness

  1. History of ECGC
  2. Static G.K.
  3. Latest Appointments, Obituaries, Award Functions, etc.
  4. News Related to the export and import sector
  5. News Related to Export Credit Guarantee
  6. History of ECGC
  7. Working & Functions of ECGC

Check ECGC PO Cut Off [Previous Year]

ECGC PO Syllabus 2024- FAQs

Ans. ECGC PO syllabus 2024 constitutes of 5 sections namely: Reasoning Ability, English Language, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude

Ans. Candidates have to solve 200 questions in 140 minutes.

Ans. Yes, there is negative marking of 1/3rd for every wrong answer in ECGC PO written examination.

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