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SSC GD Physical Date 2024 Out, Check PET PST Schedule and Requirements

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is going to conduct the SSC GD Physical Exam 2024 from 23rd September to 09th November 2024 along with the document verification and medical examination. Through the exam, SSC aims to fill a total of 46617 vacancies of constable posts for General Duty Constables in various paramilitary forces such as BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP, AR, and SSF. A total of 351176 candidates who cleared the SSC GD Phase I written exam are now eligible to appear for the SSC GD Physical Test.

SSC GD Physical Test 2024

The SSC GD Physical Standard Test (PST) and the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) exam are conducted to test the physical eligibility of the male and female candidates. All shortlisted candidates must participate in the PST & PET stage to proceed further. All candidates who successfully pass the selection stage of SSC GD will be appointed as General Duty Constables in the Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) through this recruitment drive.

SSC GD Constable Physical Date 2024 Out

As per SSC GD Result a total of 351176 candidates are shortlisted to appear for the Physical Test out of which 311736 are male and 39440 are female. SSC GD 2024 Constable PST and PET along with DV/DME rounds are scheduled to take place from 23rd September to 09th November 2024, so candidates are advised to prepare accordingly. The admit card to the candidates shortlisted for PST / PET has been issued by the Nodal CAPF at http://www.crpf.gov.in.

Events Dates
SSC GD Physical Admit Card 2024 11th September 2024
PST, PET, DV, Medical Examination 23rd September to 09th November 2024

SSC GD Constable Physical Test 2024

The SSC GD Physical Test ensures that candidates are physically capable of being part of Indian Paramilitary forces and covers many activities like height, weight, and race. Both the SSC physical efficiency test and physical standard test have separate requirements for male and female candidates, shortlisted candidates need to fulfill those requirements to pass the SSC GD Constable Physical Test 2024.

SSC GD Constable PST

The objective of conducting the SSC GD Physical Standard Test is to check whether the candidates who have been shortlisted match the required physical requirements, which include chest measures, weight, and height. For the SSC GD Constable PST 2024, candidates must meet prescribed physical requirements for male & female candidates. Height, weight, and chest measurements of ex-servicemen will be taken only for record purposes otherwise, they are exempted from PST and PET stages. Weight should be proportionate to height and age as per medical standards. The physical standard test is qualifying in nature, candidates can check the physical measurements below.

SSC GD Physical Requirements for Male Candidates

Male candidates belonging to the General, SC & OBC categories must be at least 170 cm tall and should have a minimum chest expansion of 5 cm and unexpanded chest measurement should be 80 cm. Height and chest measurements for male candidates belonging to other categories are provided below.

Categories  Height Measurements  Chest Measurements
General, SC & OBC 170 cm 80 cm/5
Scheduled Tribes 162.5 cm 76 cm/5
Schedule Tribe candidates hailing from the North-Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim & Tripura and Naxal/ Left Wing Extremism affected districts 160 cm 147.5 cm
Candidates hailing from the North-Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura 162.5 cm 77cm/5
Candidates falling in categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Dogras, Marathas, and candidates belonging to the States of Assam, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu & Kashmir 165 cm 78cm/5

SSC GD PST for Female Candidates

In the SSC GD Physical Standard Test, no chest measurements of female candidates will be taken. Female candidates belonging to scheduled tribes must be 150 cm tall and those belonging to general &OBC categories have a minimum height of 157 cm.

Categories Height Measurements
General, SC & OBC 157 cm
Scheduled Tribes 150 cm
All Scheduled Tribe candidates of North Eastern States (NE States) 147.5 cm
All Scheduled Tribe candidates of Left Wing Extremism affected districts 147.5 cm
Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Dogras, Marathas, and candidates belonging to the States of Assam, Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir, and Ladakh 155 cm
Candidates hailing from North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura 152.5 cm
Candidates hailing from Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA) comprising of the three Sub-Divisions of Darjeeling District namely Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and Kurseong, and includes the following “Mouzas” Sub-Division
of these Districts : (1)Lohagarh Tea Garden (2) Lohagarh Forest (3) Rangmohan (4) Barachenga (5) Panighata (6) ChotaAdalpur (7) Paharu (8) Sukna Forest (9) Sukna Part-I (10) Pantapati Forest-I (11) Mahanadi Forest (12) Champasari Forest (13) SalbariChhatpart-II (14) Sitong Forest (15) Sivoke Hill Forest (16) Sivoke Forest (17) ChhotaChenga (18) Nipania.
152.5 cm

SSC GD Constable PET

The commission will conduct the SSC GD Physical Efficiency Test 2024 after the PST test is over. Candidates belonging to Ladakh or any other region will have to complete the race within prescribed time limits for female and male candidates.

SSC GD Constable PET for Male Candidates

Male candidates who belong to the Ladakh region have to complete 1.6 km of running in 7 minutes and for other region candidates, it is a 5 km race that has to be completed in 24 minutes.

Category Task
Candidates other than Ladakh Region 1.6 Km in 8½ minutes
For Ladakh Region 800 metres in 5 minutes

SSC GD Constable PET for Female Candidates

For female candidates who belong to the Ladakh region, the physical running time is 5 minutes in 800 meters and candidates who belong to other regions have to complete 1.6 Km running in 8½ minutes.

Types  Task
Candidates other than Ladakh Region 5 km in 24 minutes
For Ladakh Region 1.6 Km in 7 minutes

SSC GD Medical Examination

All those candidates who declared qualified in the PET/ PST exam will be called to appear for a Detailed Medical Examination (DME)/ Review Medical Examination (RME). Shortlisted candidates will undergo medical examinations conducted by the Medical Boards established by the CAPFs to evaluate their physical and medical fitness.

Visual Standards
Visual Acuity Unaided Visual Acuity Unaided Refraction  Color Vision
Near Vision Distant Vision
Better Eye Worse Eye Better Eye Worse Eye Visual correction of any kind is not permitted even by glasses CP-2
N6 N9 6/6 6/9

How to Prepare for the SSC GD Physical Test

Preparing for the SSC GD Physical Test 2024 involves a fitness routine, a balanced diet, and mental preparation. To pass the physical examination candidates must be physically fit and follow the below-mentioned tips:

  • Make sure to take a walk every day. If you want to perform well, incorporate physical activity into your daily routine.
  • Remember to complete all of the activities outlined in the guidelines before taking the test.
  • Stay well-hydrated, especially during workouts.
  • Ensure you get sufficient vitamins and minerals from a well-rounded diet, or consider supplements if needed.
  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and juices. Detox your body to get rid of any harmful toxins and junk food.
  • Recharge your body by getting at least 8 to 10 hours of quality sleep per night.
  • Remember to incorporate rest days into your workout routine to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injuries.

Test prime

SSC GD Constable Physical Test 2024- FAQs

Q1. When is SSC GD Constable Physical Test 2024?

The SSC GD Constable Physical Test 2024 is from 23rd September to 09th November 2024.

Q2. Is a separate admit card released for the SSC GD Constable Physical Test 2024?

Yes, a separate admit card has been released for SSC GD Constable Physical Test 2024 by the Central Reserved Police Force.

Q3: What is the running time for SSC GD 5km?

SSC GD Constable physical running time for male candidate is 5km in 24 minutes and for female candidates it is 1.6 km in 8.5 minutes.

Q4: Are there any chest measurements for female candidates in SSC GD?

No, chest measurements are not applicable for female candidates in SSC GD.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.