Cubes from 1 to 30: If one multiplies a number 3 times with the same number then the resultant product is considered the cube of that particular number. For example, the cube of 4 is 64. Here the multiplication of 4 three times results in 4x4x4 = 64, then means that 64 represents the cube of 4. Memorizing the values of cubes of numbers from 1 to 30 assists you in solving problems related to math, physics, and accounting easily and quickly. In this article, you will learn cubes from 1 to 30, the cubes from 1 to 30 chart for even and odd numbers, and the methods to solve cube values.

Cubes from 1 to 30

Cubes of numbers from 1 to 30 cover the cube values from 1 to 27000. The largest cube value is 30³ = 27000 and the smallest value is 1³ = 1. The cubes from 1 to 30 are expressed as x³ in the exponential form. For example, the cube of 5 is 5³ means 125. So the value of the cube of 5 is 125. These cube values help students to easily simplify the long-time-taking mathematical calculations.

Cubes from 1 to 30 Chart

The cube from 1 to 30 chart helps students quickly find out the values of the cubes of numbers from 1 to 30. After learning these cubes from 1 to 30, you can make time-consuming mathematical equations simpler at the time of examinations. Many times, students are suggested to remember these cube values from 1 to 30 thoroughly for maintaining faster calculations in exams. The perfect cube numbers in the cubes from 1 to 30 are 1, 8, and 27 only. The value of the cube of numbers ranging from 1 to 30 is listed below.

Cubes from 1 to 30 Chart
1³ = 116³  = 4096
2³ = 817³  = 4913
3³ = 2718³  = 5832
4³  = 6419³  = 6859
5³  = 12520³  = 8000
6³  = 21621³  = 9261
7³ = 34322³  = 10648
8³  = 51223³ = 12167
9³  = 72924³ = 13824
10³ = 100025³ = 15625
11³ = 133126³  = 17576
12³ = 172827³  = 19683
13³ = 219728³ = 21952
14³ = 274429³ = 24389
15³ = 337530³ = 27000

Cubes from 1 to 30 for Even Numbers

The value of cubes of even numbers ranging from 1 to 30 is given below in table form. Only 8 as an even number is the perfect cube in the cubes from 1 to 30.

Cubes from 1 to 30 for Even Numbers
2³ = 84³ = 64
6³ = 2168³ = 512
10³ = 100012³ = 1728
14³ = 274416³ = 4096
18³ = 583220³ = 8000
22³ = 1064824³ = 13824
26³ = 1757628³ = 21952
30³ = 27000 

Cubes from 1 to 30 for Odd Numbers

The value of cubes of odd numbers ranging from 1 to 30 is given below in table form. Only 1 and 27 as odd numbers are the perfect cube in the cubes from 1 to 30.

Cubes from 1 to 30 for Odd Numbers
1³ = 13³ = 27
5³ = 1257³ = 343
9³ = 72911³ = 1331
13³ = 219715³ = 3375
17³ = 491319³ = 6859
21³ = 926123³ = 12167
25³ = 1562527³ = 19683
29³ = 24389 

How to Calculate Cubes from 1 to 30?

The one method named multiplication by itself is mentioned below for calculating the values of cubes of numbers ranging from 1 to 30. 

Multiplication by itself

Under this method, the value of the cube is solved by the multiplication of a given number by itself three times. The result after three times multiplication is called the cube of that number. For example, the value of a cube of 3 = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27. Here, the final result 27 informs that it is the cube of the number 3. This method of Multiplication by itself is generally applied to smaller numbers.

Cubes from 1 to 30 Solved Questions

Question 1: When a cube-shaped box has a side of 7 inches. Calculate the volume of that box.

Solution: As we know the volume of the cube (V) = a³ where a = side of the cube

Here side of the cube = 7

So the volume of that box = 7³

Putting the cube value of 7 from cube from 1 to 30 chart,

We get, V = 4913

Hence, the volume of that box = 4913 inches³.

Question 2: The length of one side of a cubic almirah is 9 cm. Find the volume of that table.

Solution: As we know the volume of the cube (V) = a³ where a = side of the cube

Here side of the almirah = 9

So the volume of that almirah = 9³

The volume of that almirah is, V= 9³ cm³ = 729 cm³ 

Question 3: Calculate the value of the given expression [6³+ 12³ + 5³]

Solution: Putting the cube values of 6, 12, and 5 in the given expression, we get

[6³+ 12³ + 5³] = 216 + 1728 + 125

[6³+ 12³ + 5³] = 2069

Question 4: Evaluate 6 times 3 cubes plus 12.  

Solution: As per the given question, 9 × 3³ + 12 = 9 × 27 + 12 = 255

Hence the value of 6 times 3 cubes plus 12 is 255.

Question 5: Find the volume of a spherical ball having a radius of 3 inches.

Solution: As we know the volume of a sphere (V) = 4/3 π R³

⇒ V = 4/3 π R³ = 4/3 × 3.14 × 3³

⇒ V = 1.333 × 3.14 × 27 = 113.04 in³

Hence, the volume of the given ball is 113.04 in³

Cubes from 1 to 30: FAQs

Ans. Cubes of numbers from 1 to 30 cover the cube values from 1 to 27000. The largest cube value is 30³ = 27000 and the smallest value is 1³ = 1.

Ans. The addition of all the perfect cube numbers from 1 to 30 is 36 (1 + 8 + 27 = 36) as perfect cube numbers are 1, 8, and 27.

Ans. The cube of 29 is 24389.

Ans. Under the method of Multiplication by itself, the value of the cube is solved by the multiplication of a given number by itself three times. The result after three times multiplication is called the cube of that number.

Ans. The odd numbers lies within the numbers from 1 to 30 are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29. As the cube of odd numbers are always results in odd number. Hence the cube values of numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 will be odd.

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