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Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern, Syllabus Topics

Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus 2023: As Patna High Court has announced 550 vacancies for Assistant (Group B) posts, the candidates interested in the vacancies must be looking for the updated Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus 2023. To prepare for the exam and qualify for the exam, the candidates must have complete knowledge of the syllabus, exam pattern, marking scheme, and other details related to the examination. In this article, we have discussed the detailed Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus for reference to the candidates who are planning to appear in the examination.

Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus 2023

There would be 4 stages to recruit eligible candidates for Patna High Court Assistant posts i.e. Preliminary Test, Written Test, Computer Proficiency Test, and Interview. The candidates have to qualify in each stage as per the minimum qualifying criteria. Have a look at the summary for Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus 2023 in the below table.

Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus 2023 Overview
Organization High Court Judicature, Patna
Posts Assistant (Group B)
Exam Level State Level
Category Syllabus
Patna High Court Mains Exam Date 2023 13th August 2023
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions
Mode of Exam Online
Marking Scheme 1 mark for each correct answer
Selection Process (i) Preliminary Test
(ii) Written Test (Descriptive Type)
(iii) Computer Proficiency Test
(iv) Interview
Official website www.patnahighcourt.gov.in

Patna High Court Assistant Selection Process 2023

As per the Patna High Court Assistant Recruitment 2023, the candidates will be required to qualify for the 4 stages namely- 

Stage 1- Preliminary Test (Objective Type)

Stage 2- Written Test (Descriptive Type)

Stage 3- Computer Proficiency Test

Stage 4- Interview

Patna High Court Assistant Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

  • The Patna High Court Assistant exam is going to be held in the OMR mode.
  • The Patna High Court assistant prelims exam consists of 100 objective-type questions for 100 marks.
  • As per the marking scheme, 1 mark will be assigned for correct answers.
  • There is no negative marking in the exam.
  • The minimum qualifying marks for prelims exam is 40%.
  • The total time duration for this test is 2 hours (120 minutes)
Patna High Court Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
Stages of Examination Topic No. of Questions Marks Duration
Preliminary Test General Awareness 25 25 2 hours
Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 25 25
General English 25 25
General Hindi 15 15
Computer Awareness 10 10
Total 100 100

Patna High Court Assistant Written Test Pattern 2023

Patna High Court written exam will include 2 sections one is general English and the other is general Hindi, the candidates need to qualify for minimum marks to clear this round. The duration of written test is 3 hours.

Topics Marks Qualifying Marks Duration
General English (Descriptive Type) 60 24 3 hours
General Hindi (Descriptive Type) 40 16
Total 100 40

Patna High Court Assistant Computer Proficiency Test and Interview

The last round includes Computer Proficiency Test and Interview in which the computer proficiency test is qualifying in nature and in the Interview candidates need to score a minimum of 3 marks.

Computer Proficiency Test Maximum Marks Qualifying Marks
Interview 10 3

Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus for Prelims

  • The Preliminary Test shall be a total of 100 Objective-type questions with multiple-choice questions. 
  • The duration of the exam is 2 hours.
  • There shall not be a negative marking.
Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus for Prelims Exam
General Awareness
  1. India and its neighbouring country
  2. Indian History
  3. Culture
  4. Geography
  5. Polity
  6. Economy
  7. Current Affairs
  8. Books and Authors
  9. Sports
  10. Important Schemes
  11. Important Days
  12. People in News
  13. General Science and Environment
  14. Bihar’s knowledge of its History, Culture, Geography, Economy, polity and general awareness
Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Questions of both verbal and non-verbal type

  1. Analogy
  2. Similarity and Difference
  3. Space Visualization
  4. Space Orientation
  5. Problem-Solving
  6. Analysis
  7. Visual Memory
  8. Discrimination
  9. Observation
  10. Relationship Concept
  11. Arithmetical Reasoning
  12. Verbal and Figural Classification
  13. Arithmetical Number Series
  14. NonVerbal Series
  15. Coding and decoding
  16. Statement conclusion
  17. Syllogistic reasoning etc
  18. Number System
  19. Computation of Whole Numbers
  20. Decimals
  21. Fractions
  22. Relationship between numbers
  23. Basic arithmetic operations
  24. Percentage
  25. Ratio and Proportion
  26. Average
  27. Interest
  28. Profit and Loss
  29. Time and Distance
  30. Time and Work
  31. Height and
  32. Distance
  33. Mensuration
General English
  1. Languages and literature
  2. Correct use of words
  3. Phrases and idioms
  4. Ability to write the languages correctly, precisely and effectively.
  5. Vocabulary
  6. Grammar
  7. Sentence structure
  8. Synonyms
  9. Antonyms
  10. Spot the error
  11. Fill in the blanks
  12. Spellings/ detecting misspelt words
  13. One word substitution
  14. Improvement of sentences
  15. Active/ passive voice of verbs
  16. Conversion into direct/ indirect narration
  17. Shuffling of sentence parts
  18. Shuffling of sentences in a passage
  19. Cloze passage
  20. Comprehension passage
General Hindi
  1. व्याकरण-  शब्द रूपान्तरण
  2. संज्ञा
  3. लिंग, वचन
  4. सर्वनाम
  5. विशेषण
  6. क्रिया विशेषण
  7. कारक
  8. काल
  9. वाच्य
  10. संधि
  11. समास
  12. उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय
  13. अपठित गद्यांश
  14. विलोम शब्द
  15. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
  16. मुहावरे एवं हिन्दी लोकोक्तियाँ इत्यादि

Patna High Court

Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus for Written Exam

  • The written test shall be descriptive in nature.
  • Divided into 2 sections General English and General Hindi of 60 and 40 marks respectively.
Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus for Written Exam
Subjects Topics
General English
  1. English language and literature
  2. Correct use of words
  3. Ability to write English correctly, precisely and effectively.
  4. Essay Writing
  5. Letter Writing
  6. Precise Writing
  7. Comprehension
  8. Idioms and Phrases
  9. Vocabulary (Spelling Test, Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution) and
  10. Grammar (Voice, Narration, Common Errors etc)
General Hindi
  1. निबंध लेखन
  2. पत्र लेखन
  3. संक्षेपण
  4. अपठित गद्यांश
  5. वाकया विन्यास
  6. शुद्ध वर्तनी
  7. समानार्थी शब्द
  8. विलोम शब्द
  9. अनेक शब्द के लए एक शब्द
  10. मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
  11. व्याकरण-  शब्द रूपान्तरण- संज्ञा, लिंग,  वचन, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया विशेषण, कारक, काल, वाच्य, संधि, समास, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, वाक्य इत्यादि

Patna High Court Assistant Minimum Qualifying Marks

As mentioned in Patna High Court Recruitment Notification, there is a certain minimum qualifying criteria for each stage. The qualifying criteria for prelims, wrutten test, and interview is as follows-

Stages Minimum Qualifying %
Preliminary Test 40%
Written Test 40%
Interview 30%
Test prime

Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus 2023- FAQs

Q1. What is Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus 2023?

Ans. The detailed Patna High Court Assistant Syllabus 2023 has been discussed in the article.

Q2. Is there negative marking in Patna High Court Assistant Prelims Exam 2023?

Ans. No, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers in Patna High Court Assistant Prelims Exam 2023.

Q3. What is the selection process for Patna High Court Assistant posts?

Ans. For the recruitment of Patna High Court Assistant posts, there will be 4 stages namely Preliminary Test (Objective Type), Written Test (Descriptive Type), Computer Proficiency Test and Interview.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.