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RRB NTPC Eligibility Criteria 2024, Age Limit & Qualifications

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) recruits candidates for various Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) posts. Only those candidates can apply for these posts, who successfully meet RRB NTPC Eligibility Criteria 2024, which is specified by recruitment body. Candidates interested in either graduate or non-graduate posts must be at least 18 years of age to apply for relevant non-technical posts. Apart from age limit, there are various other eligibility requirements of RRB which must be fulfilled by candidates. Candidates are advised to thoroughly check eligibility parameters before applying for their preferred posts otherwise your application form will be rejected.

RRB NTPC Eligibility Criteria 2024

Interested candidates for various non-technical popular categories posts such as Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice, and Station Master are allowed to apply for their preferred posts based on post-specific eligibility norms. A few parameters on which a candidate’s eligibility is evaluated for RRB NTPC posts are listed here below:-

  • Age Limit
  • Educational Qualification
  • Nationality
  • Medical Standards
  • Eye Standards

RRN NTPC Age Limit 2024

Those who wish to apply for RRB NTPC graduate-level posts fall between 18-33 years of age, and those interested in non-graduate level posts must not be more than 30 years. 

Posts Minimum Age Limit Maximum Age Limit
Graduate-Level Posts 18 years 33 years
Undergraduate-Level Posts 18 years 30 years

Note:- Candidates are advised to enter correct age and date of birth in RRB NTPC Application Form 2024 as it is provided in their Matriculation/Xth/SSLC certificate/.

RRB NTPC Age Relaxations

Special reserved categories and some employees working in Indian Railways get age relaxations of some years in upper age limit for various RRB NTPC posts. Age relaxations for different categories are mentioned in table below.

Categories Age Relaxations
OBC 3 years
SC/ST 5 years
PwD OBC:- 13 years
SC/ST:- 15 years
UR:- 10 years
Ex-Serviceman OBC:- 30 years +  number of years of service in Defence + 3 years
SC/ST:- 35 years +  number of years of service in Defence + 3 years
UR:- 33 years +  number of years of service in Defence + 3 years
Candidates who were residents of Jammu and Kashmir between January 1, 1980, and December 31, 1989 OBC:- 38 years
SC/ST:- 40 years
UR:- 35 years
Women/Widows/Divorced/Judicially separated but not remarried OBC:- 38 years
SC/ST:- 40 years
UR:- 35 years
Casual Labour/Group C/Group D Staff in Indian Railways with a minimum of 3 years of service OBC:- 43 years
SC/ST:- 45 years
UR:- 40 years
Quasi-Administrative of Railway Organizations OBC:- 33 years + service duration, or 5 years, whichever is less.
SC/ST:- 35 years + service duration, or 5 years, whichever is less.
UR:- 30 years + service duration, or 5 years, whichever is less.

RRB NTPC Educational Qualification 2024

Every candidate who is interested in any of RRB NTPC posts must fulfill post-specific qualifications as prescribed by official authorities. Candidates applying for graduate-level posts must have a graduate degree from a recognized university along with some additional skills as per respective posts. Those applying for non-graduate level posts must have obtained 50% marks in their class 12th along with additional qualifications as mentioned in table below.

Posts Educational Qualifications
Trains Clerk Candidates must have obtained at least 50% aggregate marks in Class 12th (50% is not applicable for SC/ST candidates)
Station Master Any graduate degree from a recognized University or any degree that is equivalent to it is required.
Senior Time Keeper Any graduate degree from a recognized University or any degree that is equivalent to it is required.
Candidates must have proficiency in typing in English or Hindi on a computer.
Goods Guard Any graduate degree from a recognized University or any degree that is equivalent to it is required.
Commercial Apprentice Any graduate degree from a recognized University or any degree that is equivalent to it is required.
Junior Accounts Assistant Cum Typist Any graduate degree from a recognized University or any degree that is equivalent to it is required.
Candidates must have proficiency in typing in English or Hindi on a computer.
Senior Clerk Cum Typist Any graduate degree from a recognized University or any degree that is equivalent to it is required.
Candidates must have proficiency in typing in English or Hindi on a computer.
Traffic Assistant Any graduate degree from a recognized University or any degree that is equivalent to it is required.
Junior Time Keeper Candidates must have obtained at least 50% aggregate marks in Class 12th (50% is not applicable for SC/ST candidates).
Candidates must have proficiency in typing in English or Hindi on a computer.
Junior Clerk Cum Typist Candidates must have obtained at least 50% aggregate marks in Class 12th (50% is not applicable for SC/ST candidates).
Candidates must have proficiency in typing in English or Hindi on a computer.
Accounts Clerk Cum Typist Candidates must have obtained at least 50% aggregate marks in Class 12th (50% is not applicable for SC/ST candidates).
Candidates must have proficiency in typing in English or Hindi on a computer.
Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk Candidates must have obtained at least 50% aggregate marks in Class 12th (50% is not applicable for SC/ST candidates).
Candidates must have proficiency in typing in English or Hindi on a computer.
Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk Any graduate degree from a recognized University or any degree that is equivalent to it is required.

Note:- Those candidates who are waiting for final results of prescribed above-mentioned educational qualifications are not eligible to apply for RRB Non-Technical Popular Categories posts. 

RRB NTPC Nationality 2024

The Railway Recruitment Board has specified certain nationalities, the candidates belonging to any of below-mentioned nationalities are eligible to apply for various non-technical popular categories posts.

  • Any candidate who is a citizen of India is eligible for any RRB NTPC posts.
  • Moreover, candidates can be citizens of Nepal or Bhutan.
  • Tibetan refugees who entered India before January 1, 1962, to relocate there permanently are also eligible to apply for these posts.
  • Those of Indian origin who moved to India to settle down permanently from Burma, Pakistan, East African nations such as Uganda, Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania (previously Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Malawi, Zambia, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam are also qualified for above-mentioned posts.

RRB NTPC Medical Standards 2024

Along with other eligibility parameters, RRB has also specified some medical standards to check whether a candidate is medically fit for duty or task he/she will have to perform after getting hired for their opted posts. It is advised to thoroughly check the medical standards for their preferred NTPC posts before filling out an application form. Those who have undergone LASIK surgery or any other surgery for correcting refractory error are not eligible for graduate-level as well as non-graduate level posts irrespective of medical standards.

Posts Medical Standards
Trains Clerk A3
Station Master A2
Senior Time Keeper C2
Goods Guard A2
Commercial Apprentice B2
Junior Accounts Assistant Cum Typist C2
Senior Clerk Cum Typist C2
Traffic Assistant A2
Junior Time Keeper C2
Junior Clerk Cum Typist C2
Accounts Clerk Cum Typist C2
Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk B2C2
Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk B2

Note:- If any candidate is found medically unfit then he/she will not be appointed for his/her opted NTPC posts and will directly be disqualified. 

RRB NTPC Eye Standards 2024

Candidates applying for various graduate-level and non-graduate-level posts must fulfill certain visual standards as specified by RRB which are mentioned in table below.

Medical Standards  Eye Standards
A2 Distance vision- 6/9 with or without glasses (no fogging test)
Near vision Sn = 0.6 with or without glasses.
Candidates must pass the color vision, binocular vision, night vision, and myopic vision tests.
A3 Distance vision- 6/9 with or without glasses (lens power not to exceed 2D).
Near vision Sn = 0.6 with or without glasses.
Candidates must pass the color vision, binocular vision, night vision, and myopic vision tests.
B2 Distance vision- 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (lens power not to exceed 4D).
Near vision Sn = 0.6 with or without glasses for close work or reading.
Candidates must pass binocular vision test among other things.
C2 Distance vision- 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses.
Near vision Sn = 0.6 with or without glasses for close work or reading.

Test prime

RRB NTPC Eligibility Criteria 2024- FAQs

Q1: What is the age limit for RRB graduate-level NTPC posts?

The age limit for RRB NTPC graduate-level posts is 18 to 33 years.

Q2: Can I apply for RRB NTPC posts if I am a citizen of India?

Yes, candidates who are citizen of India are eligible to apply for RRB NTPC posts.

Q3: What is the qualification for RRB Station Master?

Candidates who wish to become RRB Station Master then they must have any graduate degree from a recognized University or any degree that is equivalent to it is required.

Q4: Can a fresher apply for RRB NTPC posts?

Yes, candidates with no prior experience fulfilling other eligibility requirements are also eligible.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.