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RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 9th July Shift 1 Questions Asked

RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023: Today’s first shift of RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2023 is over now at 11 am. The RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis for the 1st Shift of 09th July 2023 has been discussed here. The RBI Grade B Exam Analysis will help you understand the type of questions asked, difficulty level, topic-wise weightage of marks, and the number of good attempts for the exam of this shift. The candidates can check the section-wise RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023 and utilise their time accordingly to qualify for the RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2023. As per the review of the banking aspirants who had their exam in today’s Shift 1 was of Moderate to Difficult level and the good attempts could range between 75-84. 

RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023

The RBI Grade B 2023 Prelims Exam had 4 sections namely Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language and General Awareness. The RBI Grade B Exam’s 1st shift has been conducted safely and thousands of candidates have appeared in this shift for 291 vacancies. The RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 has been conducted by our esteemed faculty by interacting with the aspirants who had their exam in Shift-1 on 09th July 2023. We have covered the section-wise number of questions and topics asked in the exam and the difficulty level of each section in this article.

RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023 Good Attempts

Here we have discussed the number of good attempts for the Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, General Awareness and overall good attempts that a candidate must have done in today’s RBI Grade B Prelims Exam. This is a good attempt for the general category, for other categories reduce your attempt by 5-6 questions, depending on your category.

RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Good Attempts
Sections  No. of Questions Good Attempts
General/ Financial Awareness 80 33-35
Reasoning Ability 60 19-22
English Language 30 15-17
Quantitative Aptitude 30 08-10
Total 200 75-84

RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Difficulty Level

As per the review of the banking aspirants who had their exam in today’s Shift 1 was of Moderate to Difficult level. The candidates can check the section-wise difficulty level for the RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2023 of 9th July 2023 shift 1 and know what could be the expected difficulty level in the upcoming shifts.

RBI Grade B Exam Analysis Shift 1 2023: Difficulty Level
Sections Difficulty Level
General Awareness Moderate to Difficult
English Language Moderate
Reasoning Ability Moderate to Difficult
Quantitative Aptitude Difficult
Overall Moderate to Difficult

RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023, 9 July Shift 1

The detailed section-wise RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 for shift 1 of 09th July 2023 is discussed below. The RBI Grade B Exam Analysis has been conducted by our esteemed faculty by interacting with the aspirants who had appeared in this shift. Know the section-wise topics, question asked and difficulty level of each topic.

RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023- Reasoning Ability

The reasoning ability section was of Easy to Moderate level. There were 8 questions asked from logical reasoning based on Inference, Argument and discussion making. The questions from sets of Puzzles and Seating Arrangement, and other topics in RBI Grade B Prelims 09th July, Shift-1 are discussed below.

Questions aksed in puzzle & seating arrangement-

  1. Blood Relation + Seating Arrangement Puzzle-5 questions
  2. Month-Based Puzzle (9 Persons- City)- 5 questions
  3. Selection Based Based (3 Colonies – 8 Persons With Age)- 5 questions
  4. Box-Based Puzzle- 4 questions- 5 questions
  5. Floor & Flat Based Puzzle (Unknown Floors- Flat- A, B, C)- 5 questions
RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023- Reasoning Ability
Topics No. of Questions
Puzzle & seating arrangement 25 questions
Logical reasoning (Inference, Argument, discussion making Based) 8 questions
Coding Decoding- New Pattern 5 questions
Syllogism (2- Logically Follows, 2- Does not follow) 4 questions
Step-Based Series (With Symbol, Consonants, Number Based Instructions) 2 questions
Data Sufficiency (2 Statements) 5 questions
Meaningful Word 1 question
Miscellaneous 10 questions
Total 60 questions

RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023- English Language

The level of English Language asked in RBI Grade B Prelims Exam held on 09th July 2023 was Easy to Moderate. The Reading Comprehension was Story-based (Solar Orbit).

RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023- English Language
Topics  No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Solar Orbiter) 10 questions
Word Replacement 6 questions
English Grammar 4 questions
Para Jumble 5 questions
Single Fillers 5 questions
Total 30 questions

RBI Grade B Exam Analysis- Quantitative Aptitude

There are 30 questions asked from the Quantitative Aptitude section in RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2023. The difficulty level of Quantitative Aptitude was Difficult.

The DI asked in RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2023, 9th July Shift

  1. Bar Graph DI (Bricks)- 5 questions
  2. Tabular Data Interpretation (Male & Females)- 5 questions
  3. Missing DICaselet DI (Venn Diagram)- 4 questions
RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude
Topics Number of Questions
Number Series (Statement Based) 5 questions
Quadratic Equation 5 questions
Arithmetic 6 questions
Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Table, Caselet) 14 questions
 Total 30 questions


RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023- General Awareness

There are 80 questions asked from the General Awareness section in RBI Grade B Prelims Exam 2023. Many questions in this shift were asked about May’s current affairs. The difficulty level of the RBI Grade B Prelims General Awareness Questions was considered Moderate as per RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023.

  1. PLI Scheme related questions
  2. GPS related questions
  3. IIP Index related questions
  4. PM Kisan Sampada Yojana related questions

RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023

Directly connect with our faculty to know RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023 in a detailed manner. Click on the below youtube link and be a part of the discussion of RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 for the shift 1 held on 09th July 2023.

RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam Pattern 2023

  1. The total marks allotted for all the sections is 200 and the total time allotted for the completion of the Preliminary exam is 120 minutes.
  2. Candidates have to secure minimum marks separately for each test as well as in aggregate.
  3. There will be a negative marking of ¼th mark for each incorrect answer.
RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam Pattern 2023
Name Of The Section No. Of Questions  Marks Duration
English Language 30 30 25 minutes
General Awareness 80 80 25 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 30 30 25 minutes
Reasoning 60 60 45 minutes
Total 200 200 120 minutes

Test prime

RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023- FAQs

Q1. What is the difficulty level of today's RBI Grade B Prelims exam?

Ans. As per RBI Grade B Exam Analysis 2023, the difficulty level of today's RBI Grade B Prelims exam was Moderate to Difficult.

Q2. Where can I get detailed RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023?

Ans. At Career Power, we have discussed detailed section-wise RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 with questions asked in today's exam.

Q3. What is the good attempts for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam of 9 July Shift 1?

Ans. The good attempts for RBI Grade B Prelims Exam of 9 July Shift 1 could range between 75-84 as per RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Analysis 2023.

Q4. Is there negative marking in RBI Grade B Prelims exam?

Ans. Yes, there is a negative marking of 1/4th mark for each incorrect answer.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.