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EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023, Exam Pattern and Syllabus Topics

EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023: The National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS) has released the detailed exam pattern and syllabus for the EMRS TGT 2023 exam along with the exam notification. The recruitment process includes a Computer Based Test (CBT), EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE-2023), document verification, and interviews. The ESSE-2023 will be conducted via computer-based test. To become familiar with the EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023 for TGT posts, please read the complete article. Additionally, you will find other details such as the EMRS TGT Exam Pattern, marking scheme, and subject matter in the article below.

EMRS TGT Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates interested in the TGT posts can start their preparation following the updated exam pattern and syllabus released by the National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS). To help the candidates in a better way, we have provided a topic-wise syllabus for all subjects to be included in the EMRS TGT Recruitment 2023.

EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023
Exam conducting Body National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS)
Exam Name EMRS Exam 2023
Category Syllabus
Exam Level National Level
Mode of Exam Online
EMRS Exam Date 2023 23rd and 24th December 2023
Type of Questions Objective Type
Total Marks 150
Negative Marks 0.25 marks
Official Website www.emrs.tribal.gov.in

EMRS TGT Exam Pattern 2023

Applicants must go through the exam pattern & syllabus in detail and start preparing now for the EMRS TGT Exam. It is important for the candidates to know the EMRS TGT syllabus, marking scheme, and topics for preparing for the examination. We are providing you with the detailed topics-wise EMRS TGT Exam Pattern 2023 in the table below.

EMRS Exam Pattern for Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)

  • The exam will be conducted for a total of 180 marks.
  • Exam Duration: 180 minutes (3 hours)
  • Each question carries 1 mark.
  • There will be a negative marking of 0.25 for every incorrect answer.
  • Language Competency Test is qualifying in nature only with minimum 40% marks in each language. If the candidate didn’t qualify in Language Competency Test, then other subjects will not be evaluated.
EMRS Exam Pattern for Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)
Tests Subject No. of Question Max. Marks Duration
I General Awareness 10 10 3 hours
II Reasoning Ability 10 10
III Knowledge of ICT 10 10
IV Teaching Aptitude 10 10
V Domain Knowledge 80 80
VI Language Competency Test-
General Hindi
General English
Regional Language
Total 150 150

EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023

The topics to be covered under the general section of the EMRS TGT Exam includes questions from General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, General English, General Hindi, Knowledge of ICT, and Teaching Aptitude. The topics for each subjects are as follows-

EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023
Subjects Topics
General Awareness General knowledge
Current affairs with special emphasis in the field of education.
Reasoning Ability Puzzles & Seating arrangement
Data sufficiency
Statement-based questions (Verbal. reasoning)
Blood relations
Sequences and Series
Direction Test
Assertion and Reason
Venn Diagrams.
General English Verb
Subject-Verb Agreement
Fill in the Blanks
Error Correction
Sentence Rearrangement
Unseen Passages
Idioms and Phrases
General Hindi संधि
विलोम शब्द
प्रयावाची शब्द
Knowledge of ICT Fundamentals of Computer System
Basics of Operating System
MS Office
Keyboard Shortcuts and their uses
Important Computer Terms and Abbreviations
Computer Networks
Cyber Security
Teaching Aptitude Teaching-Nature
Objectives and Basic Requirements
Learner’s characteristics
Factors affecting teaching
Methods of Teaching
Teaching Aids and Evaluation Systems
Experiential activity-based pedagogy and case study based
National Education Policy (NEP)- 2020
Khelo India, Fit India and other similar programs (for PET only)

EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023 PDF Link

Candidates who are going to appear for the EMRS TGT Recruitment 2023 exam must study the basics of each topic and should have a clear understanding of each and every subject mentioned in the syllabus. For the ease of candidates, we have shared below the EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023 PDF link in the table.

EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023 PDF Link
Post Name EMRS Syllabus
Subject-wise EMRS TGT Syllabus Click to Download

Test prime

EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023- FAQs

Q1. How many questions will be asked in the EMRS TGT exam?

Ans. There will be 150 questions will be asked for 150 marks in the EMRS TGT exam.

Q2. Is there negative marking for EMRS TGT Exam?

Ans. Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer in EMRS TGT Computer Based Test.

Q3. What is EMRS TGT Syllabus 2023?

Ans. The detailed EMRS TGT Syllabus for Trained Graduate Teacher posts has been discussed in the article.

Q4. How many sections are there in EMRS TGT Exam 2023?

Ans. There are six sections in EMRS TGT Exam 2023- General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, Knowledge of ICT, Teaching Aptitude, Domain Knowledge, Language Competency Test.