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APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 Out, Admit Card Download Link

APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 Out: The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 on 09th August 2023 on the official website www.psc.ap.gov.in. APPSC is going to conduct the APPSC TPBO Examination 2023 on 18th August 2023. The Engineering Graduates (Civil), who have applied for the Town Planning & Building Overseer (TPBO) are now able to download their admit card. The candidates can access the APPSC’s official website or can refer to this article to download the Hall Ticket. 

APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 Out

The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission ( APPSC) has released the vacancies for Non-Gazetted, Town Planning & Building Overseer (TPBO) Post 2023. APPSC will conduct the Computer Based Examination (CBT) for Paper I and Paper II on 18th August 2023 (Friday), Paper 1 will be held from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm whereas Paper 2 to be held from 2:30 pm to 5: 00 pm. APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket has been released officially including all the exam details such as exam venue, shift timing, reporting time, instructions to be followed on the exam day, etc. 

APPSC TPBO 2023 Hall Ticket

The APPSC TPBO Written Examination 2023 (Objective type) is going to be organized for eligible candidates who successfully completed the registration process. The candidates who will clear the examination will be selected for the next stage of the selection process. The candidates can download their Hall Ticket till the exam date. Check out the details of the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 that are mentioned below.

APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023
Name of the Organization Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission ( APPSC)
Exam Name Town Planning & Building Overseer (TPBO)
Category Admit Card
Status Released
APPSC TPBO Exam Date 18th August 2023
APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 09th August 2023
Shift Timing 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

2:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Mode of Admit Card availability Online Mode
Official Website www.psc.ap.gov.in

APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 Download Link

All the Civil Graduates applicants, get ready for the APPSC TPBO Examination 2023, which is going to be held on 18th August 2023. The applied candidates can download their APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 as the officials have made the link live on the official website www.psc.ap.gov.in. and the direct link to download the admit card is provided below.


How to download APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023

The Hall Ticket is mandatory for any examination, to enter the Examination hall. The candidates can follow the below instructions to download the  APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023.  Here are the following simple steps that you have to follow : 

Step 1: First, go to the official website of The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) i.e. @psc.ap.gov.in.

Step 2: On the home page, go to the announcement section and click the option “Hall Tickets for the Post of Town Planning Building oversees Notification No.11/2022″.

APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 Out, Admit Card Download Link_4.1

Step 3: Then a new login page will be opened.

APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 Out, Admit Card Download Link_5.1

Step 4: Then, enter all the Login credentials asked, i.e. User ID, Password & Captcha.

Step 5: Submit the required details, and click on the “Login button”.

Step 6: After this process, your Hall Ticket will be visible on the screen, review all the details mentioned on the Hall Ticket.

Step 7: After reviewing the APSSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023, download it and take a printout. 

Details Mentioned on APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023

Candidates must check their Hall Ticket thoroughly, in case of any discrepancy contact the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission authority or helpline number given on the website. For the appearing candidates, every detail in the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket is important and should be correct. You can check the following details should be mentioned on your Hall Ticket : 

  1. Name of the candidate
  2. Father’s Name
  3. Candidates’ Roll Number/ Registration Number
  4. Gender
  5. Applicant’s Photograph
  6. Applicant’s Signature
  7. Exam Date and Time
  8. Exam Venue
  9. Post applied
  10.  Category/Sub Category

Documents Required Along with APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023

You should always carry the following important documents along with you on the Examination day: 

  1. The candidate must carry a hard copy of the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket.
  2. You must carry your Two passport-size photographs.
  3. You must also carry your original Identification Proof, such as Aadhaar Card/ PAN Card/ Voter ID Card/Passport/Driving License, etc.

APPSC TPBO Exam Pattern 2023

The appearing candidates must be well-versed with the APPSC TPBO Exam Pattern 2023. Have a look at the Exam Pattern tabulated below-

APPSC TPBO Exam Pattern 2023
Paper Subject No. of Questions Maximum Marks Timing
Paper – I General Studies & Mental Ability 150 150 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
Paper – II Town Planning 150 150 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm


Test prime

APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023- FAQs

Q1. From where can I download the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023?

Ans. You can download the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 through the Official website of APPSC or from the direct link provided in the article above.

Q2. Is the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 released?

Ans. Yes, the APSSC TPBO Hall Ticket has been released on 09th August 2023.

Q3. Is a hard copy of APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket mandatory for the Examination?

Ans. Yes, a hard copy of the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket is mandatory on the day of examination.

Q4. Is the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 available offline?

Ans. No, the APPSC TPBO Hall Ticket 2023 is not available offline, Candidates can download it online only.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.