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Months Name: 12 Months Explained in Hindi and English

Months Name

The month calendar is divided into 12 months in a year in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. English months often last 28 days, 29 days, 30 days, or 31 days. Each month has either 28, 30, or 31 days throughout a regular year of 365 days. In leap years, which occur roughly every four years, we add an additional (intercalary) day, leap day, making the year 366 days long.

You may use a rhyme to help you remember the months of the year: “Thirty days has September, April, June, and November; all the others have thirty-one, except for February, which has twenty-eight days clear; and twenty-nine in each leap year.” For more details on the months of the year, read this page!

Months Name in English & Hindi 

The table below shows the month’s name in English and Hindi both. 

Months Name in English & Hindi
Months Name in English  महीनों के नाम हिंदी में
January  जनवरी
February फरवरी
March मार्च
April अप्रैल
May मई
June जून
July जुलाई
August अगस्त
September सितम्बर
October अक्टूबर
November नवम्बर
December दिसम्बर

Short Forms of Months Name

We have listed down the short form of all the months’ names in a year.

Short Forms of Months Name
Months Name Short-form
January Jan
February Feb
March Mar
April Apr
May May
June Jun
July Jul
August Aug
September Sep
October Oct
November Nov
December Dec

Month Name as per Indian National Calendar

Saka Calendar was introduced by the Calendar Committee in 1957. The usage of the Saka Calendar was officially started on 1 Chaitra 1879 Saka Era, or 22 March 1957.

National Calendar (Saka Calendar)
Months Dates
    Chaitra 21st March – 20th April
    Vaishakha 21st April – 21st May
    Jyeshtha 22nd May – 21st June
    Ashadha 22nd June – 22nd July
  Shravana 23rd July – 22nd August
    Bhadra 22nd August – 22nd September
    Became     23rd September – 22nd October
    Kartika 23rd October – 21st November
    Agrahayana 22nd November – 21st December
    Pausha 22nd December – 20th January
    Magha 21st January – 19th February
    Phalguna 20th February – 20th/21st March

More About All The 12 Months Name

Here we have listed down some more information about all the months name. 

Name of Months About It
January The first month on both the Georgian and Julian calendars is January. There are 31 days in this month, and the first day is observed as New Year’s Day everywhere. India celebrates Republic Day on January 26. In a similar vein, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose celebrates his birthday on January 23 in India.
February The second month of both the Georgian and Julian calendars is February. Whether it’s a leap year will determine whether February has 28 or 29 days. If the year is a leap year, February has 29 days; otherwise, it has 28. Everywhere in the world, February 14 is observed as Saint Valentine’s Day or Valentine’s Day.
March The third month on both the Georgian and Julian calendars is March. The start of the spring season is marked by this month, which contains 31 days. Holi, also known as the Festival of Colors, is observed throughout the month of March.
April The fourth month on both the Georgian and Julian calendars is April. It is a 30-day month. This month is a time for festivals including Baisakhi, Easter, and Good Friday.
May In both the Georgian and Julian calendars, May is the fifth month. 31 days make up this month. May Day is observed on May 1 and is a national holiday in many nations.
June In both the Georgian and Julian calendars, June is the sixth month. It is a 30-day month.
July In both the Georgian and Julian calendars, July is the seventh month. 31 days make up this month.
August The eighth month on both the Gregorian and Julian calendars is august. 31 days make up this month. India celebrates Independence Day on August 15.
September The ninth month on both the Georgian and Julian calendars is September. It is a 30-day month. In India, September 5 is observed as Teacher’s Day.
October The tenth month on both the Georgian and Julian calendars is October. 31 days make up this month. World Teachers Day is observed annually on October 5.
November The eleventh month on both the Georgian and Julian calendars is November. It is a 30-day month. In India, November 14 is observed as Children’s Day.
December The Georgian and Julian calendars both have this month as their twelfth and final one. 31 days make up this month. Christmas is observed on December 25th all throughout the world.

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Test prime

Months Name- FAQs

Which month features the year's shortest and longest day?

The longest and shortest days of the year are on June 21 and December 21, respectively.

How many days are there in January as a whole?

The month of January has a total of 31 days.

In a year, how many days are there?

A year contains 365 days.

How many weeks are in a year or a calendar year?

A year, or 12 months, has 52 weeks.

Which month is 28 or 29 days long?

28 or 29 days make up the month of February.

Why are there 28 days between January and December? Why not use the same days throughout each month?

With the exception of February, the Julian Calendar lengthened each month by around 10 days, giving it either 30 or 31 days.

What justifies the name June?

Sixth in the Gregorian calendar is June. It was given the name Juno after the Roman fertility and birthing goddess.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.