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Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 Out, Check Your Result

Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 Out: State Examination Board Gujarat (SEBG) announced the Gujarat TAT Higher Secondary Mains Result 2023 on 28th November 2023 on its official website. Candidates who took the Gujarat TAT HS Mains Exam 2023, can check the result at www.sebexam.org. Declaration of the Gujarat TAT Mains Result for Higher Secondary is now to be followed by the Merit Verification which gets activated on 01st December 2023. We have provided the direct link to check the Gujarat TAT Mains Exam Result in the article. Candidates can check all the details like how to check the Gujarat TAT Exam Result, details mentioned on the result from this article.

Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 Out

A total of 43,933 candidates applied for the Gujarat TAT HS Mains Exam 2023 which was held at 243 centers across Gujarat in offline mode through an OMR sheet on 17th September 2023. With the declaration of the result for Gujarat Teacher Aptitude Test Mains Result for Higher Secondary, candidates can now check their qualifying status from the official website. To access the Gujarat TAT Higher Secondary Mains Result, candidates should use login credentials such as their Confirmation Number, Date of Birth, and child Adhaar UID Number on the official website.

Gujarat TAT Exam Result 2023

The Gujarat Teacher Aptitude Test is conducted by the State Examination Board Gujarat (SEBG) to select candidates for the post of Teacher for various institutes across the state. The Gujarat TAT Exam includes a three-stage selection process for Gujarat TAT 2023: Prelims, Mains, and Merit Verification. The result for the Gujarat TAT Higher Secondary Mains Exam has been released by the board on the official website. Candidates can check the details about the Gujarat TAT 2023 Mains Result from the table given below.

Gujarat TAT Mains Result  2023
Exam Conducting Body State Examination Board Gujarat (SEBG)
Exam Name Teacher Aptitude Test (TAT)
Category Result
Status Released
Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 28th November 2023
Gujarat TAT HS Mains Exam 2023 17th September 2023
Selection Process Prelims Exam, Mains Exam, Merit Verification
State Gujarat
Official Website www.sebexam.org

Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 Download Link

As per the Gujarat TAT Mains Result 2023, out of the total 40,258 candidates who appeared for the exams, 14,803 candidates have scored 120 or more marks out of 200 indicating the level of competition. Candidates should use the login credentials such as their Confirmation Number, Date of Birth, and child Adhaar UID Number on the official website to access the Gujarat TAT Higher Secondary Mains Result. Candidates who cleared the mains stage must fill out the form for merit verification by 08th December 2023. We have shared the direct link to download the Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 below.

How to Check Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023

Candidates can check and download Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 from the official website by following the below-mentioned steps.

Step 1: Visit the official website of the State Examination Board Gujarat (SEBG) at https://sebexam.org/

Step 2: Check the Notice Board section on the homepage.

Step 3: Click on the link “શિક્ષક અભિરુચિ કસોટી (હાયર સેકન્ડરી) – ૨૦૨૩ મુખ્ય પરીક્ષાના પરીણામનું.

Step 4: A new page appears where candidates have to select TAT (હાયર સેકન્ડરી) પરીક્ષા and fill all the details like Confirmation Number, Date of Birth & Child Adhaar UID Number.

Step 5: Click on the submit button.

Step 6: Gujarat TAT HS Mains Exam Result 2023 appears on the screen.

Step 7: Download Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 and take a printout for further reference.

Details Mentioned on Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023

The following details should be checked in the Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023:

Details Mentioned on Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023
Candidates Details Examination Details
Applicant’s Name who is qualified as per the Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 Roll Number of the Candidate
Candidates Fathers Name Registration number of the Candidate
Gender (Male/ Female) Name of the Exam
Category of the Candidate Marks Obtained by the Candidates
Date of Birth Qualifying Status


Test prime

Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023- FAQs

Q1. Is Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 released?

Ans. Yes, Gujarat TAT HS Mains Result 2023 has been released on 28th November 2023 on its official website.

Q2. How can I check Gujarat TAT Higher Secondary Mains Result 2023?

Ans. Candidates can check Gujarat TAT Higher Secondary Mains Result 2023 from the official website and from the direct link mentioned in the article.

Q3. What is the last date to fill the Gujarat TAT Merit Verification Form 2023?

Ans. The Gujarat TAT Merit Verification Form 2023 is to be filled from 01st December to 08th December 2023.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.