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SSC GD Vacancy 2023 Out for 26146 General Duty Constable Posts

SSC GD Vacancy 2023 Out

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has recently released the official notification for the SSC GD Vacancy 2023. This notification is for the recruitment of male and female constables under General Duty. The vacancies announced are for BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP, AR, and SSF forces. The total number of vacancies available for recruitment is 26146.The SSC GD Notification 2023 for Constable (GD) in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), SSF, Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles 2024 has been released at www.ssc.nic.in. The online registration for applying for the SSC GD Constable Vacancy is available till 31st December 2023 (11 pm). 

SSC GD Constable Vacancy 2023

The force-wise distribution of SSC GD New Vacancy 2023 for Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR), Secretariat Security Force (SSF) has been shared below. The SSC GD Constable Notification PDF has been released, and this article discusses the category-wise distribution of vacancies for SSC GD Constable Vacancy 2023.

SSC GD Vacancy 2023
Forces Males Females Vacancies
Border Security Force (BSF) 5211 963 6174
Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) 9313 1112 11025
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) 3266 71 3337
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) 953 42 635
Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) 2694 495 3189
Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR) 1448 42 1490
Secretariat Security Force (SSF) 222 74 296
Total 23347 2799 26146

Interested candidates can apply online for the SSC GD Constable Vacancy 2023 exam by 31st December 2023 at the official website of SSC. i.e. https://ssc.nic.in. All candidates can check all the details by visiting the following notification link.

SSC GD Constable Vacancy 2023 [Males]

SSC has announced 23347 vacancies for males in BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP, AR, and SSF forces. The number of vacancies for males in Border Security Forces is 5211, for Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is 9913, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is 3266, Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR) is 1448, Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) is 2694, and for Secretariat Security Force (SSF) is 222.

SSC GD Vacancy 2023 for Male Candidates
Forces SC ST OBC EWS UR Total
BSF 735 467 1028 1025 1956 5211
CISF 1506 974 2196 1086 4151 9913
CRPF 461 294 688 509 1314 3266
SSB 103 45 125 94 226 593
ITBP 380 306 523 285 689 2694
AR 116 252 156 235 689 1448
SSF 33 16 60 23 90 222
Total 3334 2354 4776 3257 9626 23347

SSC GD Constable Vacancy 2023 [Females]

SSC has announced 2799 vacancies for females in BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP, AR, and SSF forces. The number of vacancies for females in Border Security Forces is 963, for Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is 1112, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is 71, Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR) is 42, Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) is 495, and for Secretariat Security Force (SSF) is 74.

SSC GD Vacancy 2023 for Female Candidates
Forces SC ST OBC EWS UR Total
BSF 138 83 199 181 362 963
CISF 164 103 244 125 476 1112
CRPF 02 01 13 10 45 71
SSB 16 01 06 0 19 42
ITBP 74 54 99 38 230 495
AR 03 0 03 15 21 42
SSF 11 06 20 07 30 74
Total 408 248 584 376 1183 2799

SSC GD Constable 2023 Eligibility

As a huge number of vacancies have been released for General Duty Constable posts for various Paramilitary forces, therefore, it is a good opportunity for the 10th pass candidates who are looking for a job. The age limit for general category candidates as mentioned in the notification is 18 to 23 years (as on 01.01.2024) and the upper relaxation for other categories is as per government norms. Both male and female candidates can apply online for SSC GD Vacancy 2023-24.

SSC GD Vacancy 2023 for Paramilitary Forces

This year, SSC GD Vacancy 2023-24 has been announced for the following Paramilitary Forces, and the maximum number of vacancies are released for the Border Security Force (BSF) i.e. 6174 vacancies and vacancies are for Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) i.e. 11025 vacancies.

  1. Border Security Force (BSF)- 6174 vacancies
  2. Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)- 11025 vacancies
  3. Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)- 3337 vacancies
  4. Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)- 3189 vacancies
  5. Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)- 635 vacancies
  6. Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR)- 1490 vacancies
  7. Secretariat Security Force (SSF)- 296 vacancies
SSC GD- Important Links
SSC GD Constable Salary Structure  SSC GD Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern
SSC GD Previous Year Cut-Off Marks
Test prime

SSC GD Vacancy 2023-FAQs

Q1. How many SSC GD Vacancy 2023 announced?

Ans. SSC GD Vacancy 2023 has been announced along with SSC GD Notification for 26146 General Duty Constable Posts.

Q2. How many SSC GD Vacancy 2023 for Male constable released?

Ans. The SSC GD Constable Vacancy for the Male constable post is 23347 as per SSC GD Notification.

Q3. For which forces SSC GD Vacancy 2023 is released?

Ans. SSC GD Constable Vacancy 2023 is released for BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP, AR, and SSF forces.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.