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RPSC JLO Result 2023 Out, Junior Legal Officers Result and Cut Off

RPSC JLO Result 2023 Out: Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has finally declared the RPSC JLO Result 2023 Today, 30th November 2023 on their official portal www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in along with the RPSC JLO Cut Off 2023. RPSC Junior Legal Officer Result PDF has been released listing the roll number of qualified candidates provisionally shortlisted for the Interview examination. From this article, candidates can check category-wise RPSC JLO Cut Off and download their Result pdf from the direct link updated below in the article.

RPSC JLO Result 2023 Out

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has successfully conducted the RPSC JLO Examination 2023 to shortlist candidates for 140 vacancies of  Junior Legal Officer posts. Candidates who appeared in the examination can check their Results by visiting the official website of RPSC. Candidates who score equal and more than the RPSC JLO Cut Off are declared qualified for the next phase of the recruitment process i.e. Interview Exam. The details regarding the RPSC Interview exam will be released shortly on the official website of RPSC.

RPSC Junior Legal Officer Result 2023

The selection of the candidates for 140 vacancies of Junior Legal Officer Posts includes the written examination and interview exam. RPSC JLO Result has been available on the official website www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. Candidates can get details for RPSC Junior Legal Officer Result 2023 from the below table.

RPSC JLO Result 2023
Organization Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Post Name Junior Legal Officer
Vacancies 140
Category Result
Status Released
RPSC JLO Exam Date 2023 4th and 5th November 2023
RPSC JLO Result 2023 30th November 2023
Selection Process Written Exam and Interview
Official Website www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC JLO Result 2023 Link

RPSC JLO Result 2023 has been released online mode on the official website Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC). Candidates who appeared in the RPSC JLO written examination can access their Results by visiting the official website of RPSC or directly by clicking the link mentioned here. RPSC Junior Legal Officer Result includes the roll number of candidates qualified for the RPSC JLO interview examination.

Steps to Check RPSC JLO Result 2023

RPSC JLO Result 2023 has been released by RPSC on its official website. Candidates can refer to the below-mentioned step-by-step process to check the RPSC Junior Legal Officer Result 2023.

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission at www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.

Step 2: On the homepage go to the News and Event Section.

Step 3: Click on the link that reads “Result Preamble and Cutoff marks (Qualified for Interview) for Junior Legal Officer Exam 2023.

Step 4: RPSC JLO Result pdf appears on the screen containing the roll number of qualified candidates and RPSC JLO Cut Off marks.

Step 5: Check your roll number with the Ctrl+F shortcut. If your roll number appears in the result pdf that means you are selected for the RPSC Interview Exam.

Step 5: Download the RPSC JLO Result pdf 2023 for future reference.

RPSC JLO Cut Off 2023

RPSC JLO Cut Off 2023 has been released on 30th November 2023 on the official website of RPSC along with the RPSC JLO Result 2023. RPSC JLO Cut Off marks are the minimum marks to qualify for the examination. The cut off is prepared depending on various factors such as the total number of vacancies, no of candidates who appeared in the examination, the difficulty level of the examination, candidate category etc. Here we have updated the RPSC Junior Legal Officer Cut Off in the below table.

RPSC JLO Cut Off 2023 (Non TSP Area)
Category Sub Category Cut Off marks
General GEN 161.35
WE 161.35
WD 105.60
DV 155.44
EWS GEN 161.35
WE 161.35
WD 136.43
SC GEN 136.91
WE 136.91
WD 115.63
ST GEN 136.64
WE 136.64
OBC GEN 161.35
WE 161.35
WD 105.60
DV 155.44
MBC GEN 130.37
WD 119.76
RPSC JLO Cut Off 2023 (TSP Area)
Category Sub Category Cut Off marks
General GEN 154.91
ST GEN 114.36
WE 114.36


Test prime

RPSC JLO Result 2023-FAQs

Q1. Is RPSC JLO Result 2023 released?

Ans. Yes, RPSC JLO Result 2023 for Junior Legal Officer posts has been released on 30th November 2023 on the official website of RPSC.

Q2. What login details will be required to check RPSC JLO Result 2023?

Ans. Candidates are not required any login details to check the RPSC JLO Result. RPSC Result for JLO posts is available in the pdf format containing the roll number of qualified candidates in the RPSC JLO written examination.

Q3. How can I check RPSC Junior Legal Officer Result 2023?

Ans. Candidates can check RPSC Junior Legal Officer Result from the official website of RPSC or from the direct link updated in the article.

Q4. What is next selection stage after declaration of RPSC Junior Legal Officer Result 2023?

Ans. Candidates who declared qualified in the RPSC Junior Legal Officer written examination are eligible to appear for the next phase of selection process i.e. Interview Exam.

About the Author

I specialize in creating content for national-level and state-level government exams and aim to provide exam information in a simple way to help aspiring candidates find clarity and confidence. Having gone through the experience of being an aspirant myself, I bring a unique perspective to my work. I create easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.