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Gujarat Police SI Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern, Syllabus Topics

The Gujarat Police Force Recruitment Board is responsible for selection of eligible candidates for the posts of Sub-Inspectors (SI). The authorities will select candidates on the basis of a physical standard test, physical efficiency test, written examination, document verification and a medical examination. To appear for the written examination, candidates must understand the Gujarat Police SI Syllabus 2024 including the list of topics to be prepared for the examination. Candidates must also be aware of the subject-wise marks and the numbers of questions to be asked from each subject. The complete marking scheme, exam duration, number of questions, subject-wise topics, and some other details are provided in the article below.

Gujarat Police SI Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024

Candidates appearing for the written examination must begin their preparation to achieve a higher score. As the Gujarat Police SI examination is very competitive, candidates must use the latest syllabus and exam pattern to prepare a study plan. The syllbuas for the Gujarat Police Recruitment Written Exam 2024, have been highlighted in the table below.

Gujarat Police Constable Syllabus 2024- Highlights 
Organization Gujarat Police Force Recruitment Board
Post Name Sub-Inspector
Vacancies 944
Type of Questions Paper 1-MCQ
Paper 2- Descriptive
Total Questions Paper 1- 200
Paper 2- 8 Descriptive Question
Total Marks 300 marks
Time Duration 3 hours each paper
Negative Marking 0.25 on each wrong answer
Selection Process
  • Physical Standard Test
  • Physical Efficency Test
  • Written Examination- MCQs
  • Medical Examination
  • Document Verification
Official website https://police.gujarat.gov.in/ OR https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in/

Gujarat Police SI Selection Process 2024

To be chosen for the role, candidates must pass the Gujarat Police SI Selection Process 2024. There are several selection phases in the procedure.

  1. Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET): Candidates’ height, weight, and chest (for male candidates only) will be measured in the PST. Those who meet the qualifications continue to the following round.
    Candidates run, leap long, jump high, and complete other physical challenges to check their level of physical fitness in the Physical Efficiency Test.
  2. Written Examination: Those who clear the PET/PST have to pass a written exam. English, reasoning, mathematics, current events, and general knowledge are among the subjects covered in the Gujarat Police SI Exam 2024. The article contains all of the information regarding the Gujarat Police SI Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern.
  3. Medical Examination: After being eligible for the Written Exam, candidates must pass the Medical Examination to meet the necessary medical standards.
  4. Document Verification: Upon being shortlisted, candidates must present genuine documentation for eligibility requirements, educational background, age, category, and other facts to be verified.

Gujarat Police SI Exam Pattern 2024

Gujarat Police SI Exam Pattern has been changed this year. There are total 2 papers candidates need to pass.

  • Paper 1 contains 200 MCQ-based questions of 200 marks. Questions will be asked from General Studies.
  • Paper 2 contains 8 precise descriptive questions for 100 marks. Paper 2 tests the Gujarati and English Language Skills of the candidate.
  • Both the paper has a time duration of 3 hours.
  • There is a 0.25 negative marking for each wrong answer.
  • 40% minimum qualifying standard.
Paper  Name of the Paper  Marks  Time
1 General Studies (MCQ) 200 3 hours
2 Gujarati and English Language Skill (Descriptive) 100 3 hours
Total 300 6 hours

Gujarat Police SI Syllabus 2024

Candidates who match the eligibility criteria for the Gujarat Police SI Exam 2024 can start getting ready immediately. Reasoning and Data Interpretation, Quantitative Aptitude, Gujarati Language Comprehension, Current Events, Science and Technology, General Knowledge, and more are all included in the Gujarat Police SI Syllabus 2024. Every subject has been comprehensively discussed in this article. It is recommended that candidates thoroughly read the content.

Gujarat Police SI Syllabus for Paper-1

The Gujarat Police SI Syllabus for Paper-1 consists of two parts- Part-A and Part-B. All questions in this paper are based on MCQs. The General Studies Paper covers a variety of subjects.


  1. Reasoning and Data Interpretation- 50 questions of 50 marks.
  2. Quantitative Aptitude- 50 questions of 50 marks.
Paper 1- Part-A Syllabus
Sr Topics Marks
1 Reasoning and Data Interpretation 50
2 Quantitative Aptitude 50
Total 100


  1. The Constitution of India and Public Administration – 25 questions of 25 marks
  2. History, Geography, and Cultural Heritage -25 questions of 25 marks
  3. Current Affair and General Knowledge- 25 questions of 25 marks
  4. Environment, Science and Tech and Economics- 25 questions of 25 marks
Paper 1- Part-B Syllabus
Sr Topics  Marks
1 The Constitution of India and Public Administration 25
2 History, Geography, and Cultural Heritage 25
3 Current Affair and General Knowledge 25
4 Environment, Science and Tech and Economics 25
Total  100

Gujarat Police SI Syllabus for Paper-2

The Gujarat Police SI Syllabus for Paper-2 deals with questions related to Gujarati and English Language Skills. This is the descriptive paper consisting of 8 questions for 100 marks. It is also divided into two Parts- Part-A and Part-B. As per the official notification, The evaluation of Paper-2 shall be made only for those candidates who score a minimum 40 percent qualifying marks in Part-A and Part-B of Paper-1, separately.

Part- A (Gujarati Language Skills)

  1. Essay of 350 words- containing 30 marks.
  2. Precise Writing-10 marks
  3. Comprehension of 10 marks.
  4. Report Writing of 10 marks.
  5. Letter Writing of 10 marks.

Part- B (English Language Skills)

  1. Precise Writing of 10 marks.
  2. Comprehension of 10 marks.
  3. Translation (From Gujarati to English) of 10 marks.
Gujarat Police SI Syllabus Paper-2 
Sr Topics Marks
Part- A (Gujarati Language Skill)
1 Essay of 350 words 30
2 Precise Writing 10
3 Comprehension 10
4 Report Writing 10
5 Letter Writing 10
Part-B (English Language Skills)
6 Precise Writing 10
7 Comprehension 10
8 Translation (From Gujarati to English) 10
Total  100

Gujarat Police SI PST and PET 2024

The candidate’s physical fitness will be measured by the Gujarat Police SI PET 2024. The candidates must finish the running within the allotted time and distance after meeting the requirements for passing the written exam. Check the duration of time and distance needed to meet the requirements for the Gujarat Police Sub-Inspector PET 2024.

Male Candidate- PST
Category Height (in cm) Chest (in cm)
Unexpanded Expanded
Schedule Tribe (Gujarat origin) 162 cm 79 cm 84 cm
Others (Except Schedule Tribe) 165 cm 79 cm 84 cm
Female Candidates- PST
Category Height (in cm)
Schedule Tribe (Gujarat origin) 150 cm
Others (Except Schedule Tribe) 155 cm
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Category Tests Distance Duration 
Male Running 5000 meters within 25 mins
Female Running 1600 meters within 9 mins and 30 secs
Ex Serviceman Running 2400 meters within 12 mins
Test prime

Gujarat Police SI Syllabus 2024- FAQs

Q1. What is the selection process of Gujarat Police SI Exam 2024?

Candidate have to go through the whole selection process such as Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST), Written Examination, Medical Examination, Document Verification to get selected as a Gujarat Police Sub-Inspector.

Q2. What is the syllabus for Gujarat Police SI Exam 2024?

The Gujarat Police SI Syllabus 2024 covers a variety of topics, including Reasoning and Data Interpretation, Quantitative Aptitude, Comprehension in Gujarati Language, Current Affairs, Science and Technology, General Knowledge and more. Read the article to know more about Gujarat Police SI Syllabus.

Q3. What is the Gujarat Police SI Exam 2024 minimum qualifying marks?

Candidate need a minimum of 40% marks in each part to qualify the Gujarat Police SI Exam 2024.

Q4. Is there any negative marking for Gujarat Police SI Exam 2024?

Yes, 0.25 Marks will be deducted on each wrong answer.

About the Author

As Associate Manager- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 4.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.