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Flowers Names in English and Hindi, List of 50 Flowers Name

Ever wonder how many Flowers Names do you know? Before exploring the different names of flowers in English and Hindi based on types, and colors! First, let’s understand what flowers are. Flowers are the reproductive structures of flowering plants, designed for the essential process of PollinationThese vibrant and diverse structures come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, capturing our attention with their beauty. Comprising petals, sepals, stamens, and pistils, flowers serve a crucial role in plant Reproduction

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Beyond their biological functions, flowers have cultural and aesthetic significance, symbolizing love, beauty, and various emotions across different societies. From roses to daisies, each flower species showcases nature’s intricate design, bringing joy and wonder to those who appreciate their existence. Flowers enrich our world with their visual splendor and contribute with their visual splendor and contribute to the balance of ecosystems through their vital role in sustaining plant life.

Let us Learn Flower Names with the Help of a Poem

“In a garden, flowers grow,

Let’s learn their names as we go.

Roses red and daisies white,

Sunflowers reaching for the light.

Tulips bright and lilies fair,

Lavender scents fill the air.

Daffodils like sunshine’s gold,

Marigolds with stories told.

Orchids in a pretty row,

Watch them all and see them grow.”

15 Flower Names

  1. Sunflower
  2. Daisy
  3. Marigold
  4. Jasmine
  5. Orchid
  6. Daffodil
  7. Hibiscus
  8. Lotus
  9. Peony
  10. Carnation
  11. Poppy
  12. Chrysanthemum
  13. Lavender
  14. Magnolia
  15. Zinnia

List of Flowers Names in English

There are a very large number of flowers present on the Earth’s surface. Here we have mentioned some examples of flowers in a tabulated form below:

Some of the Examples of Flowers Names
Rose Poppy Dahlia Primrose
Tulip Hydrangea Aster Lilac
Daisy Geranium Hibiscus Camellia
Lily Carnation Forget-Me-Not Buttercup
Sunflower Lavender Foxglove Ranunculus
Orchid Iris Cosmos Gladiolus
Daffodil Snapdragon Bleeding Heart Anemone
Marigold Zinnia Viola Hellebore
Peony Pansy Nasturtium Columbine
Chrysanthemum Sweet Pea Azalea Coneflower
Queen Anne’s Lace Ranunculus Stock Morning Glory
Black-Eyed Susan Crocus Magnolia Dianthus
Freesia Calla Lily Wisteria Snowdrop
Spider Lily Bee Balm Phlox Bluebell

Know Flowers Names in Hindi

Here we have discussed a few flower names in Hind.

Flower Names in Hindi
गुलबहार, मोगरा बबूल चम्पा सनोबर
कुमुदनी गुड़हल पीला कनेर गोखरू
गुलमेहंदी नर्गिस लैवेंडर के फूल धतूरे का फूल
कमल जूही घृतकुमारी नीलक
कुमुद गेंदे का फूल चाँदनी फूल नरगिस (फूल)
चमेली नाग चम्पा कंद पुष्प कुकुरमुत्ता
सूरजमुखी कनेर बनफूल बूगनबेल
सदाबहार केतकी बसन्ती गुलाब गूलखैरा
कली कामलता फूल अबोली चमेली

Name of Flowers based on Colours

Learn more about the Name of Flowers based on colors names like white, red, green, yellow, blue, & more as discussed below:

Name of Flowers based on Colours
Color Names Flower Names
White White Lily, White Gerbera Daisy, Anemone, White Orchid, Rose, White Tulip, Hydrangea
Red Red Rose, Red Lily, Red Daisy, Red Zinnia, Red Poppy, Scarlet Sage, Red Carnation
Blue Blue Daisy, Blue Orchid, Blue Flax, Blue Hibiscus, Blue Daisy, Blue Mist Shrub
Purple Bell Flower, Verbena, Clematis, Iris, Fuchsia, Lavender, Clematis, Aster, Salvia
Yellow Sunflower, Daffodil, Marigold, Yellow Tulip, Daylily, Forsythia, Goldenrod, Helenium, California Poppy

Examples of Some More Flowers and Their Description

Here we have mentioned a few examples of the incredible diversity of flowers found around the world, each with its own unique characteristics and adaptations.

Some More Flowers with Descriptions
Flowers Description
Dehlia Dahlias are known for their diverse and vibrant colors, ranging from bold reds to pastel pinks. Their intricate, layered petals create a captivating and full bloom.
Aster Asters feature daisy-like flowers and come in various colors. They bloom in late summer and fall, providing a burst of color when many other flowers are fading.
Hibiscus With large, showy blooms, hibiscus flowers often evoke a tropical feel. They come in various colors and are known for their trumpet-shaped petals.
Forget-Me-Not These tiny, delicate blue flowers symbolize enduring love. Forget-Me-Nots have small, five-petaled blooms and often grow in clusters.
Cosmos Cosmos flowers have feathery, fern-like foliage and daisy-like blooms in shades of pink, white, and purple. They add an airy and graceful touch to gardens.
Primrose Primroses are early spring bloomers with clusters of vibrant, cup-shaped flowers. They come in a range of colors and thrive in cooler climates.
Calla Lily Calla lilies are elegant flowers with a sleek, trumpet-shaped bloom. They are often used in weddings and symbolize beauty and purity.
Columbine Known for their distinctive spurred petals, columbines have a unique and intricate appearance. They come in various colors and attract hummingbirds.
Magnolia Magnolia trees produce large, fragrant blossoms with a waxy texture. These timeless flowers come in various colors, including white, pink, and purple.
Wisteria Wisteria is a climbing vine with cascading clusters of fragrant, and pea-like flowers. They create a stunning display in spring, often in shades of purple or white.

Interesting Facts about Flowers

Here we have discussed a few points that will highlight some interesting facts about flowers

  • Communication Through Colors: Flowers often use color to communicate with pollinators. For example, bees are attracted to blue and yellow flowers, while butterflies are drawn to red and purple ones.
  • Sunflower Heliotropism: Young sunflowers follow the sun’s movement, a behavior known as heliotropism. As they mature, they generally face east to maximize morning sunlight.
  • Corpse Flower Odor: The corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) is known for its enormous size and the foul odor it emits, resembling that of a rotting corpse. This unpleasant smell attracts carrion beetles for pollination.
  • Symbolism of Roses: Roses have different meanings based on their colors. For instance, red roses symbolize love and passion, while white roses represent purity and innocence.
  • Mimicry of Orchids: Some orchids have evolved to mimic the appearance and scent of female insects. This tricks male insects into attempting to mate with the flower, promoting pollination.
  • Bioluminescent Mushrooms: There are mushrooms that glow in the dark, but certain species of fungi can also produce bioluminescent flowers, such as the “Ghost Flower” in the Amazon rainforest.

Some Fun Activities with Flower Names

These games can be educational and fun, helping players learn about different types of flowers while enjoying themselves.

  • Flower Name Bingo:
  1. Create bingo cards with different flower names in each square.
  2. Call out flower names, and players mark off the flowers on their cards.
  3. The first to complete a row, column, or diagonal wins.
  • Flower Name Scavenger Hunt:
  1. Make a list of flower names and hide pictures or actual flowers around the area.
  2. Players must find and collect as many different flowers as possible.
  • Flower Pictionary:
  1. Players take turns drawing a flower while others guess which flower it is.
  2. Use a list of flower names to draw from.
  • Flower Name Charades:
  1. Act out the name of a flower without speaking, and others guess the flower.
  2. Use flower names that can be easily represented through actions.
  • Flower Word Search:
  1. Create a word search puzzle with different flower names hidden within a grid of letters.
  2. Players search for and circle the flower names.
  • Flower Name Memory Game:
  1. Create pairs of cards with flower names or pictures.
  2. Lay them face down, and players take turns flipping two cards to find matches.
  • Flower Name Relay:
  1. Write different flower names on slips of paper and place them in a bowl.
  2. Players race to pick a slip, run to a designated spot, and call out the flower name before running back.

What is the World’s Largest Flower?

The world’s largest flower is the Rafflesia arnoldii, often called the “corpse flower” due to its foul odor. Found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia, this ain’t bloom can reach up to three feet in diameter. Despite its impressive size, the Rafflesia arnoldii has a brief lifespan, typically blooming for only a few days. The reddish-brown petals are adorned with whitish spots, creating a distinctive appearance. What is the world largest flowers?

What is the name of the World’s Smallest Flower?

The world’s smallest flower is the Wolffia, often known as duckweed. Found floating on still-water surfaces, Wolffia is a tiny aquatic plant that produces the tiniest flowers. These flowers are so small that they can be challenging to spot without magnification. Each Wolffia flower is a minute structure, consisting of just one pistil and stamen, and lacks petals. The entire plant measures only a few millimeters in size.

Wolffia - World Smallest Flower

What is the National Flower of India?

The National flower of India is the Lotus. This beautiful flower holds cultural and spiritual significance in Indian traditions. The lotus symbolizes purity, wealth, and enlightenment. Despite growing in muddy water, the lotus emerges untarnished and represents the triumph of spiritual purity over material impurity.

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Why Lotus is the national flower of India? The choice of the Lotus as the national flower reflects India’s deep-rooted cultural values and spiritual heritage. Additionally, the lotus is featured prominently in Indian folklore, and mythology, and has become an integral part of the country’s identity. Showcasing the enduring beauty and symbolism that resonates with the people of India.

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Flowers Name: FAQs

Q1. What are flowers?

Ans: Flowers are vibrant, fragrant plants that blossom, creating seeds for reproduction. They enhance the environment with their beauty and diverse colors, uplifting moods in nature and gardens.

Q2. What are the 10 Flowers name in English?

Ans: 10 Flowers name in English are: Rose, Tulip, Daisy, Sunflower, Lily, Lotus, Orchid, Violet, Daffodil, and Marigold, and these flowers are common and widely recognized flowers.

Q3. Give 15 Flower Names in English?

Ans: 1. Lily
2. Sunflower
3. Orchid
4. Jasmine
5. Lavender
6. Poppy
7. Hibiscus
8. Violet
9. Peony
10. Carnation
11. Lily of the Valley
12. Camellia
13. Chrysanthemum
14. Geranium
15. Lotus

About the Author

Hey there! I'm Sonika an experienced content writer. I craft captivating content for students on various events and subjects like chemistry, physics, and biology. Content perfect for young minds eager to explore the depth of education in India. From molecules to ecosystems, I make complex concepts simple and exciting, specializing in school-level education. Let's journey through the fascinating world of education together!