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Bihar Diploma Result 2024-25 Out at sbteonline.bihar.gov.in, Check SBTE Semester Result Here

Bihar Diploma Result 2024-25 has been released by the State Board of Technical Education, Bihar at its official website for the semester examinations held in December 2024. All the students who appeared in the Semester -I / II, III & V, exams can now visit the official website of SBTE and access their Semester Exam Results using their user ID and password as the required login credentials.

The students can now access their SBTE Bihar Marksheet 2024 by completing the login process following the steps detailed below.

Bihar Diploma Result 2024-25 Out

The State Board of Technical Education, Bihar has activated the online portal allowing students to have easy access to the SBTE Bihar Semester Result 2024-25. All the students who appeared in the exam can now download the SBTE Bihar Marksheet 2024 by simply clicking on the link added ahead. This link will redirect the student to a new window where they will be required to complete their login process to gain access to the SBTE Bihar Diploma Result 2024-25.

Steps to Download SBTE Bihar Marksheet 2024

Step 1: Visit the official website of State Board of Technical Education, Bihar at https://sbte.bihar.gov.in/

Step 2: Look for the important announcement section in the home page

Step 3: Click at “EXAM Held -Dec-2024, Semester -I / II , III & V, Result are now available for download.”

Step 4: A new window will open containing the SBTE Result 2024-25 login window

Step 5: Enter “UserID” and “Password” in the asked section of the login form

Step 6: Process the login form by filling in the required captcha code

Step 7: The Bihar Diploma Result 2024-25 will open on the screen

Step 8: Check and download the SBTE Bihar Diploma Result 2024-25 for later use.

Details Mentioned on Bihar Diploma Result 2024-25

The SBTE Diploma Result 2024-25 has been released containing several details like:

  • Student’s name
  • Roll number
  • Registration number
  • Course name
  • Semester
  • Subject list
  • Subject wise marks
  • Maximum achievable marks
  • Total scored marks
  • Status of pass or fail.

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Hi! I'm Lokesh Sharma, a passionate content writer specializing in educational technology. 3 years in the EdTech industry have sharpened my skills in crafting educational content that cuts through the noise. I transform complex topics into engaging pieces that empower my readers. Let's leverage the power of knowledge to revolutionize education, together.