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TBSE Class 12th Toppers 2024, Check Tripura Stream Wise 12th Toppers Name

The Tripura Board has announced the TBSE Class 12th Result 2024 at its official website. All the students who were waiting for the results announcement can visit – www.tbse.tripura.gov.in to check their results. Along with the result’s announcement previously the Tripura Board of Secondary Education used to release various statistics like overall pass percentage, gender-wise pass percentage, topper list, etc.

The overall pass percentage announced by the board officials in the press conference is 79.27% for the TBSE 12th Result 2024. A total of 39 schools attained a pass percentage of 100%.

TBSE 12th Result 2024 Gender Wise Pass Percentage

The pass percentage of girls in 7.74% higher than that of boys. Check the comparison between gender wise and overall pass percentage in TBSE 12th Result 2024.

TBSE 12th Result 2024 Gender Wise Pass Percentage
Gender Pass Percentage
Male 46.12%
Female 53.86%
Overall 79.27%

TBSE 12th Toppers 2024 Statistics

The table below shows the statistical representation of students who appeared vs students who passed, the number of girls students who passed vs the number of boys students who passed, and the gender-wise pass percentage with the overall pass percentage. Check the table below:

TBSE 12th Toppers 2024 Statistics
Particulars Data
Students appeared 25,350
Students passed 20,095
Overall pass percentage 79.27%
Number of boys passed 9,269
Number of girls passed 10,825
Boys pass percentage 46.12%
Girls pass percentage 53.86%


TBSE 12th Toppers

The table below contains the names, marks, and percentages gained by the students in the TBSE 12th result 2020. Check the table:

TBSE 12th Toppers 2020
Rank Student’s Name Marks Percentage
1 Dipayab Debnath 488 97.60%
2 Trishasree Dewan 487 97.40%
2 Abhiraj Pau 487 97.40%

TBSE 12th Science Toppers 2020

Ruchika Sarkar scored 473 marks with a percentage of 94.6% to become the TBSE 12th science topper in 2020. The table below contains the names of top 3 toppers from the science stream, check the table:

TBSE 12th Science Toppers 2020
Rank Student’s Name Marks Percentage
1 Ruchika Sarkar 473 94.6%
2 Deepjoy Rudra Sarma 472 94.4%
2 Angkita Baidya 469 93.8%

TBSE 12th Commerce Toppers 2020

Swarupa Banik scored 455 marks with a percentage of 91% to gain the number 1 rank from the commerce stream while Ankita Paul scored 446 marks with 89.2% to gain the 2nd rank in the TBSE 12th Commerce Result of 2020.

TBSE 12th Commerce Toppers 2020
Rank Student’s Name Marks Percentage
1 Swarupa Banik 455 91%
2 Ankita Paul 446 89.2%
2 Sabita Paul 440 88%

TBSE 12th Arts Toppers 2020

In 2020, Bipasha Chakraborty scored 482 while Raj Bir Datta scored 471 marks to become the top 2 rank holders from the arts stream. The table below contains the name, marks and percentages stored by the top 3 students of arts strea to become TBSE 12th Arts toppers in 2020.

TBSE 12th Arts Toppers 2020
Rank Student’s Name Marks Percentage
1 Bipasha Chakraborty 482 96.4%
2 Raj Bir Datta 471 94.2%
2 Payel Debnath 467 93.4%

TBSE 12th Toppers 2019

TBSE 12th Toppers 2019
Rank Student’s Name Marks Percentage
1 Tathagata Datta 481 96.2%
2 Sujata Paul
Narendra Chandra Paul
Souradeep Das
2 Souradip Bhattacharjee 479 95.8%


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Hi! I'm Lokesh Sharma, a passionate content writer specializing in educational technology. 3 years in the EdTech industry have sharpened my skills in crafting educational content that cuts through the noise. I transform complex topics into engaging pieces that empower my readers. Let's leverage the power of knowledge to revolutionize education, together.