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IMO Result 2024-25 Out at sofworld.org, Download Link for Session 1 Result Shared Here

The SOF IMO Result 2024-25 has been released by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) on its official website. All the students of classes 1 to 12 who appeared in the IMO Exam held on October 22, November 19, and December 12, 2024 can now visit the official website of SOF at www.sofworld.org and access their session 1 results.

The International Mathematics Olympiad is a national-level olympiad exam conducted by the SOF annually to test the mathematical skills in reasoning and logical ability of students from classes 1st to 12th.

SOF IMO Result 2024-25 Out

The IMO Result 2024-25 is out at the official website making it available for all the students. The students are required to select “SOF IMO Result 2024-25” from the drop-down menu and enter their 4-digit “roll number” as the required login credential. To help students check their IMO Result 2024-25 the direct link has been added ahead.

Steps to Download IMO Result 2024-25

Step 1: Open the official website of the Science Olympiad Foundation at www.sofworld.org

Step 2: Look for the “results” section on the home page

Step 3: Click at the button “read more” in the results section

Step 4: Select “SOF IMO Result 2024-25” from the drop-down menu

Step 5: Enter the “roll number” in the required section and process the form

Step 6: The SOF IMO Result 2024-25 will open on the screen.

About the Winners in IMO Result 2024-25

All the winners in the IMO Result 2024-25 will be presented with various awards and certifications from the SOF Foundation. All the top three rankers from classes 1 to 12 will receive cash awards, medals, and certificates, while zonal and school-level winners will also be recognized.

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Hi! I'm Lokesh Sharma, a passionate content writer specializing in educational technology. 3 years in the EdTech industry have sharpened my skills in crafting educational content that cuts through the noise. I transform complex topics into engaging pieces that empower my readers. Let's leverage the power of knowledge to revolutionize education, together.